Event Format Over a three-week period, CrossFit will release three classic and accessible workouts that can be performed by participants of any ability level. Everyone who participates will have their name displayed on the community leaderboard and will be able to create smaller leaderboards among friends, family, and other members of their affiliate using leaderboard...Read More
As of March 20, 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis, we have moved to At Home Programming for all of our members. Please use your Wodify account to access the daily workout and instructional videos. If you are not a member and would like to jump in with us, please email at [email protected] to learn...Read More
3/23/20 Members: Please use your Wodify account to access the workout which will include videos and more detailed instructions. Warm-up: 200m Run then 2 sets of: 60sec Inchworms 60sec Squat Jumps 60sec Plank Hold on Elbows 60sec Alternating Reverse Lunges 30sec Wall Sit 30sec Shoulder Taps Strength: Tempo Push-ups @21X1 5 sets of 5 reps...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Back Squat 8@65% 8@70% 6@80% 4@85% Workout of the Day: 2020 CrossFit Games AGOQ Workout #3 Time Cap 20min 2 person team 100 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 55+ 35/20) 50 Calorie Row 100 Bar Facing Burpees At Home Workout Post in WODIFYRead More
Mobility: Barbell Quad Smashing and Couch Stretch Skill: Turkish Get Up Review Midline/Stability: Every Minute on the Minute x 9 1) Turkish Get Up x 4 (2R/2L) 2) Plank on Rings x 30-45sec 3) Dead Hang Hold (active) x 30sec Workout of the Day: 3rds 600m Run or Row 40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 20 Reverse...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets): Mid-Thigh Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Workout of the Day: (last done on 2/13/20) 5rds for Max # of Wall Balls Against a 3min Clock 400m Run + Max Effort Wall Balls Rest 2min At Home Workout Posted in WODIFYRead More
Warm-up Strength: 1a) Dumbbell Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats @3011 x 8 each leg 1b) False Grip Horizontal Ring Row @2012 x 6 reps Workout of the Day: For Total Time 500m Row Rest exactly 4minutes 30ft Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunges 20 Dumbbell Power Clean 30ft Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunges 20 Dumbbell Power...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Push Press 5×70%, 3×75%, 2×80%, 2×85%, 1×85-87% Workout of the Day: 2020 CrossFit Games AGOQ Workout #2 Time Cap 15min 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 10 Overhead Squats 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 10 Overhead Squats 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 10 Overhead Squats 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups +...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Back Squat 10×60, 8×65, 6×70,6×75,4×80% Workout of the Day: 50 Double-unders30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch25 Dumbbell Front Squat20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch15 Dumbbell Front Squat10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch5 Dumbbell Front Squat50 Double-undersRead More
Mobility: Wrists and Forearms Skill: Handstands– Getting inverted– This will look different for many people depending on where they are at with this skill. Some may be learning to kick up to the wall, others might be working on walking 20+ft.– Work the skills and drills and have fun with it. Workout of the Day:...Read More