Mobility- 15min Athlete Choice (Ask your Coach for help/suggestions) 3 sets: I’s Y’s T’s W’s x 10 each Single Leg RDL x 6 each Skill: TGU (work up to a heavy set of 4-5 each arm) WOD: 2-person team One person runs while other remains in static hold 200m run – HS hold 200m run...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Every 90 sec for 15min Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (build over the course of 15min) CF Summer Classic WOD 1 8min AMRAP 30 DU 6 Hang Power Clean 6 S2OH 6 Front Rack Lunges (total) 30, 9,9,9, 30, 12,12,12…..and so onRead More
Skill EMOM x 12min 1) Strict C2B Pull-up x 6-8 reps 2) Strict Ring Dip x 8-10 reps 3) Barbell Hip Thruster x 8 reps (Heavy. Starting at 185/135) 4) Single Arm KB Walking Lunge x 10 steps/5 each arm (53/35) “Helen” 3rds 400m Run 21 KBS (53/35) 12 Pull-upsRead More
Mobility: Shoulders Shoulder Prehab: I’s Y’s T’s W’s Skill: Toes to Bar (efficiency, progressions, technique) EMOM x 12 1) L-sit x 30-45sec 2) Rope Climb x 2-3 3) Roll to Candlestick x 6-8 4) HS Walk x 10-15m (scale to 20 shoulder taps) 2-person team For total time: 3000m rowRead More
Skill: Muscle Up progressions and technique EMOM x 20 1) Muscle-up x 3-4 reps (Sub/scale to any progression or 4 Ring row + 4 Dip) 2) Touch and Go Power Snatch x 5 reps (MUST be TnG, you pick the weight) 3) Double-Unders x 30-40 reps (or practice DU attempts) 4) KB/DB Walking Lunges x...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 10 Hollow Rock 30sec Nose to Wall HS Hold Strength: Push Press 5@70%, 3@75%, 2@80%, 1-2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%, 1@101+% CF Lake Mary Summer Classic WOD2 5 min EMOM 7 burpees AMRAP Pullups Score will be total pullups. Every minute on the minute complete: 7 lateral bar burpees The remainder...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 8 Single Arm KB/DB OH Lunges 8 Push-up to spiderman Strength: 1a) Back Squat 5@ 60/70/75/75% 1b) Strict Weighted Pull-up x 6-8 reps Oly: Every 2min x 20min Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull + 2 Power Clean Start light and build over the course of 10 sets 4×3...Read More