
200m run then 3rds of:
5 BB Thruster
5 BTN Press
5 Good Morning

1a) Front Squat 5 @ 60/70/75/75%
1b) Strict Weighted Chin-up x 6-8 reps

CF Lake Mary Summer Classic WOD 3

400m run buy in:
Box Jumps

RX Male
21 DL reps @ 205, 21 box Jumps 20″ box
15 DL reps @ 255, 15 Box Jumps 24″ box
9 DL reps @ 305, 9 Box Jumps 30″ box

RX Female
21 DL reps @ 95, 21 Box Jumps 20″ box
15 DL reps @ 145, 15 Box Jumps 20″ box
9 DL reps @ 195, 9 Box Jumps 24″ box

Scaled Male:
21 DL reps @ 105, 21 Box Jumps 24″
15 DL reps @ 155, 15 Box Jumps 24″ box
9 DL reps @ 205, 9 Box Jumps 24″ box

Scaled Female:
21 DL reps @ 75, 20″ Box Jump,
15 DL @ 95, 15 Box Jumps 20″ box
9 DL @ 115, 9 Box Jumps 20″ Box

Weights will be added to the bar and box will be repositioned by the athlete. Clips MUST be on the bar before deadlift weight can be completed.

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