Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 4 Push-up to Inchworm 6 Superman 6 Single Arm Oh KB Lunge (each) Strength: Push Press 3 x 8 @70% 21 Thrusters 21 Pull-up 400m Run 15 Thrusters 15 Pull-up 400m Run 9 Thrusters 9 Pull-up 400m RunRead More
Skill EMOM x 12 1) Rope Climb x 2-3 (legless) 2) KB Walking Lunges x 12 (53/35) 3) 45sec Plank Hold on Rings WOD: 4rds 400m Run 20 Russian KBS (53/35) 10 Goblet Squat 5 MURead More
There’s no question that setting goals can have a direct effect on your progress in the gym. Setting goals is like planning your own road map for your fitness. Getting from point A to point B isn’t always easy and may not always be a direct path, but if you have a plan, and know...Read More
Mobility: 10min Athlete Choice- ask for suggestions if you are sore or have an area that needs attention Skill: HS Walk/Freestanding HS Hold/HS Hold on Wall Midline/Stability: EMOM x 9 1) 30-45sec L-sit 2) 4-6 Single Leg RDL (each) 3) Bottom-up KB Carry x 20sec each arm WOD: 2-person team Complete in any order in...Read More