“Murph” or “Morrison” You may do the full workout, 1/2 the workout, or you can split it with a partner. No matter what you choose, make sure you give it your ALL in honor of those that lost their lives while serving in the armed forces. “Murph” For time: 1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200...Read More
Warm-up: 400m run Then 3rds of 30sec Box Shoulder Stretch 5 Glute Bridge w/ 5sec hold Midline: 2min accumulated in L-sit (cap 5min) Mobility: Barbell Quad Smash & Lax Ball Thoracic Spine Skill: Pull-up practice (any variation) WOD: At a moderate pace, (remember we have 1RM Front Squat tomorrow) 5rds Run 400m Row 400mRead More
Strength: Take 15-20min to find your 1RM Shoulder Press WOD: 3rds 1min ME Power Clean & Jerk (Rx 135/95) (Rx+ 165/115) 1min ME Burpee 1min ME T2B 1min RestRead More
Skill: Muscle Up progressions 15-20min WOD: 10 MU (10 strict pull-up + 10 strict dip) 15 Deadlift (275/185) 200m run 25 Box Jump *step down only (24/20) 30 Russian KBS (53/35) 400m run 30 Russian KBS 25 Box Jump *step down only 15 Deadlift 10 MURead More
Warm-up: 400m run Mobility: Ankles Skill: Pistols WOD: EMOM x 20 1) 30sec Row for Cal 2) 8-10 Strict T2B or Candlesticks 3) 100m Run 4) 8-10 Pistols or 8 Reverse Burpee 5) 30sec HS Hold or PlankRead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 8 Weighted BB Hip Thruster 30sec L-sit Strength: Front Squat (6sets) 5×75%, 4×80%, 3×85%, 2×90%, 1×95% 5×75% Oly: A) Every 90sec for 15min Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk (Do not drop bar within each set. Keep load at a weight you can handle with solid technique.) B) Clean...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 5 Bridge Up with 5sec hold 10 Hollow Rock 5 Strict Ring Dip Strength: 1a) Press 3×1-2 reps @95% 1b) Single Arm-DB/KB Row 3×8 each arm (heavy) WOD: 500m row Buy-in Then, 4rds of: 10 Pull-up (Rx+ C2B) 8 Push Press (Rx 115/75 Rx+125/85) *If you choose Rx+ you...Read More