Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 12 Alt OH Plate Step Up 6 Strict Wide Grip Pull-up 10 Bird Dog Strength: Deadlift 5 sets of 5 Touch N Go reps at 70-75% Workout of the Day 2 person team From 0-10:00 2K Row (split in any fashion) @ 10:00 for time 8 Reverse DB Lunges...Read More
Barbell Warm Up Every 2min for 12 (6 sets) Sets 1-3: 2 Hang Clean + Jerk Sets 4-6: Hang Clean + Jerk Workout of the Day 2rds 10 Hang Clean (115/75) 10 S2OH (Shoulder to Overhead) Rest 2min 2rds 10 OHS (Overhead Squat) 10 T2B (Toes to Bar) Rest 2min 2rds 10 Front Squat 10...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 5 Muscle Snatch 5 Snatch Balance 5 OHS 10 Hollow Rock Strength: Back Squat 5×60/65/70/75% Workout of the Day 15min to build to a heavy Power Snatch Then, Isabel 30 Snatches (135/95)Read More
Mobility: Shoulders Skill: Turkish Get Ups 5min technique. Then 5min to build to a heavy 3RM on each arm Workout of the Day 3rds 1000m Run or Row 60sec Hang from Bar 60sec Air Squat @2211 60sec Handstand HoldRead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 5 Strict Chin-up 12 Plank Punches 10 Narrow Grip OH Reverse Lunges Strength: Push Press 3 x 2 Workout of the Day CrossFit.com 10/11/17 On a 15min Clock for max reps each round. 0:00-3:00 400m Run + Pull-ups Rest 1min 4:00-7:00 400m Run + Clean & Jerks (155/105) Rest...Read More
EMOM x 12 1) Rope Climb x 1-3 2) Parallette Pass Thru x 5 3) Hollow Hold x 45sec Workout of the Day 2 person team. Coaches pick teams. 4rds each for total time. Row 250/200m 15 Russian KBS (53/35) 10 Ball Slam (25/15)Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 5 1 ¼ Front Squat 8 Single Leg RDL (each) 45sec Plank or Nose to Wall HS Hold Strength: 2RM Thruster Must be from the ground Workout of the Day 30 DU (2:1) 15 Ring Dip 20 Thruster (95/65) 25 Lateral Bar Burpee 20 Thruster 15 Ring Dip 30...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 90sec Squat Therapy then 2rds of: 12 Alt Box Step-up 45sec Nose to Wall HS Hold Strength: Back Squat 5×60, 3×70, 2×80, 2×90, 1×95% Workout of the Day 3rds 20 Wall Ball (2014) 10 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/10) Box facingRead More
Mobility: Chest/Pec Stretching and Lax Roll Out Skill: Spend 10min practicing Kipping Pull-up 2 person team Score is total calories for the team at the end. One person rows for calories while the other: 100m KB Farmer’s Carry (53/35) 30 Leg Raises 100m Single Arm OH KB Carry (50L/50R) 30 Ball Slam (25/15) 30 Russian...Read More
Warm-up: Group med ball clean warm-up. Then 2rds of: 12 Wall Climb 12 Narrow Grip OH Reverse Lunge (45/35) Strength: Push Press 3×3 EMOM x 16 1) Row 15/12 2) HSPU x 8 3) Med Ball Clean x 10 4) Strict Ring Dip w/ hollow body x 8Read More