Warm-up: 400m run Skill: 10min Pistols Strength: With a partner, 3 sets of: a) 1min Weighted Plank Hold (place a plate on your partner’s back) b) 10 Partner Glute Ham Raises WOD: 2-person team 4x200m relay (2 each) Then, Row 2400m total while one partner is in a plank position. Partition in any fashion but...Read More
Group Barbell Warm-up Oly: 8 sets 3-Position Snatch (you pick: floor to hip or hip to floor) Strength: OHS 3-3-3-3-3 Core: 5 sets of 10 Hollow Rock + 10 Superman Mobility: Spend 10min working on something you needRead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 30sec Nose to Wall HS Hold 5 BTN Press 8 Back Rack Lunges Strength: Strict Press 5-5-3-3-2 WOD: 21-15-9 HR Push-up Deadlift (185/135) Box Jump (24/20) (step-down only) *50 DU after each roundRead More
Skill/Strength: EMOM x 12 1) Horizontal Ring Row (false grip) x 6-8 2) Strict Ring Dip x 6-8 3) Hollow Rock or Hold x 45sec WOD: 400m run 4 MU (8 strict pull-up + 8 dip) 10 Hang Power Clean (135/95) 300m run 3 MU (6 strict pull-up + 6 dip) 10 Hang Power Clean...Read More
Warm-up: 600m Run Mobility: Glutes/Shoulders Skills: 1) Accumulate 2min in an L-sit on parallettes (5min cap) 2) 3 sets of 5: Parallette Pass Thrus w/ push-up + dip WOD: 4rds 400m run 10 Ball Slam (25/15) 10 Ball Slam Sit-up *You pick the intensity. If you aren’t as concerned with 15.5 tomorrow, then you can...Read More
Barbell Warm-up and Jerk practice 8 sets High Hang Clean + Mid Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk Rowing: Practice rowing for Cals For times: 25cal row 20cal row 15cal row 10cal row Rest as needed between setsRead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 5 BTN Press 5 Good Morning 10 Hollow Rock Strength + Skill: EMOM x 12 Even: 5 Deadlift (You pick the weight but they must be TnG and Unbroken) Odd: 8 Strict Ring Dip WOD: 25 Pull-up 25 DU 200m Run 25 KBS (53/35) 25 DU 200m Run 25...Read More