Mobility: Wrists and Forearms Skill: Handstands Getting inverted, holds and walking. Workout of the Day 2 person team. Spilt meters and reps evenly. 2000m Row 20 Hand Release Push-ups with partner in plank position 40 Partner Leg Throw Downs 20 Strict Chin-ups 40ft Partner Wheelbarrow Walk (each) 20 Strict Chin-ups 40 Partner Leg Throw Downs...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Strength: 2 sets 3 Front Squat + Jerk 3 sets 2 Front Squat + Jerk From the rack. Build in weight over the 5 sets. Workout of the Day EMOM x 16 1) 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) 2) 8 Air Squat + 6 Ring Dip or 6 Air Squat + 2...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Single Leg RDL 8 Sumo Deadlift w/ KB 8 Bird Dog Strength: 1RM Deadlift Workout of the Day Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders Sit-upsRead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Glute Bridge 20 Lateral Banded Monster Walks 5 1 ¼ Front Squat Strength: Back Squat 3×2 @90-95% Then 1 set of 8 at 75% Workout of the Day 25 Thrusters (75/55) 400m Run 20 Thrusters 300m Run 15 Thrusters 200m RunRead More
Mob: Shoulders Skill: Rope Climb Workout of the Day Option 1- 3 person team 2 people may work at a time. Split reps evenly. Complete in any order, any fashion. 150 Cal Row 150 Cal Bike 15 Rope Climb Option 2- Skills 3 Option 3- Stroke Rate RowRead More
Barbell Warm-up EMOM x 5 Power Snatch x 3 @60-65% EMOM x 5 Snatch x 2 @70-75% Every 90sec x 6 sets Snatch x 1 @80%+ Workout of the Day 13min AMRAP (Courtesy of Comp Train) 50 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 40 Burpees 30 Toes to Bar 20 Handstand Push-ups Or 50 Dumbbell Snatches (25/15) 40...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 5 RDL 5 Muscle Clean 5 Lunges (each leg) Strength: Deadlift 3×2 @90-95% Wokrout of the Day 27 Cal Row, then 21-15-9 Deadlift Hang Power Clean Front Rack Lunges Rx 115/75 Rx+ 135/95Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Plank Punch 10 Deadbug 10 Single Arm OH DB Walking Lunge Strength: Shoulder Press 3×2 @90-95% Then 1 set of 8 at 75% Workout of the Day 3rds for reps 60seconds of work, 60 seconds of rest Pull-ups Push-ups Air Squats Finish: 3 sets 10 Dumbbell Tate Press...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 90sec Squat Therapy then 2rds of: 8 Ring Row @2111 8 Jumping Squats Strength: Back Squat 3×3 @85-90% Then 1 set of 10 reps at 70% Workout of the Day 1min AMRAP Back Squat (95/65) Rest 1min 5min AMRAP Cindy Rest 1min 1min AMRAP Back Squat (95/65) Or 1min AMRAP Back...Read More