Rx’d (Rx’d Men, Masters Men 40-44, Masters Men 45-49, Masters Men 50-54, Rx’d Women, Masters Women 40-44, Masters Women 45-49, Masters Women 50-54) Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of: 55 deadlifts 55 wall-ball shots 55-calorie row 55 handstand push-ups Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft....Read More
Mobility: Hips Midline: EMOM x 12 1) Candlestick Lever x 6 @3111 2) Standing Russian Twist w/ barbell x 10 3) Plank Punches x 14 (Do not over reach or over extend. Back/shoulders should be flat) Skill: Pull-up Variations WOD: 500m Row, 400m Run, 30 L-sit Leg Lifts 400m Row, 300m Run, 20 Ball Slam...Read More
200m Run then Barbell Warm-up Oly: 15min to build to a heavy Power Clean & Jerk WOD: 20-15-10 Power Clean (155/105) HSPU Box Jump (24/20) *Step-down onlyRead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 8 OH KB Lunge 4 Push-up to Spiderman 10 Hollow Rock Strength: Back Squat 3@75, 2@80, 1@85, 3@80, 2@85, 1@90, Max Reps @ 80% You may only pause long enough at the top for one full breath before going into the next squat. If you take longer then one...Read More
CrossFit Winter Park is proud and excited to be joining the Winter Park community and taking part in “Shop and Share for John Michael.” John Michael is a excellent student and lacrosse player at Trinity Prep. With nothing but an amazing future ahead of him, John Michael accepted an offer to play lacrosse in college...Read More
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 10 power snatches 3 bar muscle-ups Men use 75 lb. Women use 55 lb. Notes This workout begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will perform 10...Read More
Mobility: Shoulders 10min Midline: EMOM x 12 1) Strict T2B x 6 @3111 2) TGU x 4 (total) 3) Plank Punches x 14 (Do not over reach or over extend. Back/shoulders should be flat) Skill: 10min of Double Under Practice WOD: 3rds 750m Run 25 DU 1min Plank HoldRead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 2rds of: 45sec OH Bamboo Hold 8 Single Leg KB RDL EMOM x 10 1) Deadlift x 5 TnG reps (You pick the weight but it must be TnG each set) 2) Seated Unsupported Strict Press x 5 reps WOD: 2-person team 4rds each 15 Cal Row 10 Thruster (115/75) 5...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then: 20 Inverted Burpee Skill EMOM x 12 1) Strict Chin-up x 6 2) Parallette Pass Thru x 10 (Over and back is 1 rep. No dip/push-up) 3) Rope Climb x 2 4) HS Walk x 30sec WOD: 4rds for total time 200m Run 5 Hang Power Clean (135/95) 7 Box Jump...Read More