Warm-up Strength: Deadlift x 8,6,6,5 (X2X2) – start from the ground – lift to 2 inches off the floor and pause for 2 sec – continue lift to just above the knee and pause for 2 sec – finish deadlift to full extension – controlled return to ground and repeat Workout of the Day: Every...Read More
Mobility: Wrists/Forearms Skill: Handstand Drills 1 set of 20 Donkey Kicks 3 sets of 20sec work/20sec Rest Back to Wall Split Handstand Hold 3 sets of 20sec work/20sec Rest Wall Facing Spilt Handstand Hold 3 sets of 10 Handstand Kick Up to Wall Workout of the Day: As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in...Read More
Warm-up Strength: 3 sets 1a) Strict Ring Dip x 8 reps 1b) Bent Over Barbell Row x 8 reps Workout of the Day: 50 Box Jump 24/20 400m Run 30 Deadlifts 185/135 20 Renegade Rows 25/15 10 Box Jump 30/24Read More
Warm-up Strength: Front Squat @03X0 x 8,8,6,6 Workout of the Day: For total time, 18-14-10 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Alternating Lunges Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead Rest exactly 2min then, 16-12-8 Dumbbell Thruster Lateral Burpee Over the Dumbbell Rx 35/25 Rx+ 50/35Read More
2001m Run/Row 11 Box Jump (30/24) 11 Thruster (125/85) 11 Burpee Chest to Bar 11 Power Clean (175/120) 11 Handstand Push-ups 11 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) 11 Toes to Bar 11 Deadlift (170/120) 11 Push Jerk (110/75) 2001m Run/Row *If you start with the run, then row at the end or vice versa The 2001m Row...Read More
Warm-up Strength: 1a) ½ Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Press x 6 immediately followed by 6 Tempo Push-up @31X2 1b) Ring Row x 6 w/ 3sec Iso Hold immediately followed by 15 Banded Lat Pull Downs Workout of the Day: Every Minute on the Minute x 16min 1) 8 Ball Slam + 6 Plank Burpee 2)...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Deadlift @30X0 8,6,4,4 Workout of the Day: 5 Bar Muscle-ups 20 Dumbbell Power Clean 20 Front Rack Dumbbell Lunges 300m Run 20 Front Rack Dumbbell Lunges 20 Dumbbell Power Clean 5 Bar Muscle-ups *2nd option w/ strict pull-ups + push-ups instead of BMURead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 3 Strict Press 3 Push Press 3 Front Squat 3 Tall Clean Strength: Tempo Front Squat @30X0 8,6,4,4 Workout of the Day: 3 sets 6 Shoulder to Overhead 6 Lateral Burpee Over the Barbell 6 Hang Squat Clean Rest 1min Then, 18 Shoulder to Overhead 18 Lateral Burpee Over...Read More