Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 6 Horizontal Ring Row 12 Plank Punches EMOM x 10 1) Deadlift x 5 @70-75% 2) HSPU x 10-12 reps Open 11.4 10min AMRAP 60 Bar Facing Burpee 30 OHS (120/90) 10 MU Finish: 3rds 30sec Box Shoulder Stretch 20 Banded HS CurlsRead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 3 Wall Walk 6 Strict T2B @2111 15 Dislocates Strength: Take 15-20min to find your 1RM Press Lurong Challenge Repeat Benchmark 3min Row 1min Rest 3min Cluster or G2OH 1min Rest 3min RowRead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Glute Bridge 4 Push-up to Spiderman 10 OHS w/pvc Strength: Take no more than 20min to find your 1RM Back Squat EMOM x 16 1) C2B x 8-10 reps 2) DU x 30-40 unbroken 3) Ball Slam Sit-ups (25/15) x 10-12 reps 4) 200m RunRead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 8 Back Rack BB Lunges (45/35) 5 BTN Press 5 BTN Jerk 5 Ring Pull-up Oly: Every 90sec for 8 sets Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk Build to a heavy set. MUST be unbroken/TnG. WOD: 50 Cal Row 45 T2B 40 Wall Ball (20/14) 35 KBS (53/35)...Read More
Mobility: Ankles Skill: Double-unders If you are proficient at DU’s, work on efficiency and unbroken sets. Play around with some triple-unders as well. WOD: 2-person team Congo style with one erg per team 500m Row 100 DU 50 Russian Twists (25/15) 400m Row 75 DU 40 Russian Twists (25/15) 300m Row 50 DU 30 Russian...Read More
Burgener Warm-up Oly: Every 90sec for 8 sets High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch Focus on technique. Do not go too heavy. Lurong Challenge WOD 4 Deadlift MU 6min cap EMOM x 12 1) Weighted BB Hip Thruster x 8-10 reps 2) Bent Over BB Row x 8 reps 3) 45 Plank or Face-up Chinese...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 10 Push-up to Spiderman Then 3rds of 5 Snatch Grip BTN Press 5 Snatch Balance 5 Back Squat (45/35) Strength: Back Squat 6×75, 6×80, 4×85, 3×90, 2×95, 6×75% 3rds of 3min AMRAP 2min REST 1 Power Snatch 2 OHS 3 Power Clean 4 Front Squat 5 C2B Rd 1- 135/95 Rd...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 2rds of: 10 OH BB Walking Lunge (45/35) 8 Push Up to Spiderman Strength: 10min EMOM Even: 5 UB OHS Odd: 6-8 Strict Chin-up @ 1112 Games Open 14.5 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thruster (95/65) Bar Facing BurpeeRead More
Mobility: Hips/Glutes Skill: Pistols Midline: 3sets not for time 3 TGU (each) 20 L-sit Leg Lifts on Low Rings 20 Russian Twists (25/15) WOD: 2-person team for total time Row 3000m as a team while partner is in plank holdRead More