Barbell Warm-up EMOM x 10 Sets 1-5 High Hang Snatch x 1 Sets 6-10 Hang Snatch x 1 Workout of the Day 3rds for time 400m Run 20 OHS (95/65) 20 Box Jump (24/20)Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 2rds of: 10 Horizontal Ring Row 10 OH Plate Lunges 10 Bird Dog Skill EMOM x 12 1) Muscle-up x 2-4 2) Pistols x 12 3) DU x 40-50 Workout of the Day 2 person team 4rds each 20 Cal Row 15 T2B 15 Russian KBS (53/35)Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 2rds of: 5 1 ¼ Front Squat (45/35) 30sec HS Hold 10 Hollow Rock Strength: Back Squat 8×65, 8×70, 6×80, 6×85% Workout of the Day 30 Wall Ball (20/14) Then, 3rds 10 Power Clean (155/105) 10 HSPU Then, 30 Wall BallRead More
Mobility: Ankles Skill: 10-15min on your choice of: Muscle-ups, Pull-ups, or Rope Climbs Workout of the Day Take this easy if you plan on hitting 17.3 hard tomorrow! 3-5rds, not for time 600m Run 300m Row 30 Walking Lunges 30sec Right Arm Plank 30sec Left Arm PlankRead More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: 20min to establish a heavy Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Workout of the Day 3rds for time 10 Hang Power Snatch (95/65) 20 Wall Ball (20/14) 30 DURead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 2rds of: 10 Deadbug 10 Bird Dog 10 OH Plate Step-up Skill/Midline: EMOM x 12 1) Strict Pull-up x 6-8 2) Single Leg KB RDL x 5-8 each leg 3) L-sit or Hollow Hold x 30-45sec Workout of the Day 3rds for time 600m Run 15 Deadlift Rx 185/135 Rx+ 225/155...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Banded Lunge Glute Activation (each) 45sec Handstand Hold Strength: Back Squat 8 x 65/70/80/85% Workout of the Day EMOM x 15 1) Row for cal 10/8 Rx+ 12/10 2) Thruster x 10 (95/65) 3) Burpee to 6” Target x 8 (Rx+ HSPU x 8)Read More
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 2 rounds of: 50-ft. weighted walking lunge 16 toes-to-bars 8 power cleans Then, 2 rounds of: 50-ft. weighted walking lunge 16 bar muscle-ups 8 power cleans Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds. Men use 50-lb. dumbbells Women use 35-lb....Read More
Mobility: Shoulders/T-spine Skill: Choice of T2B, DU, HS Walks Take this lightly if you plan on hitting 17.2 tomorrow! 4-5rds 400m Run/Row 10 V-ups 10 Hollow Rock 10 Push-up 10 Air SquatRead More