
Warm-up Strength: Front Squats are moving to more traditional percentages for the rest of the cycle. Front Squat 3×10 @60, 65, 70% Rest 2min between sets Conditioning: Open Prep Workout (Friday you will have an actual Open workout to repeat) If you plan on doing the Open, try to stay true to the wall walk...
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Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: We focused on barbell cycling of power clean and jerks for the last couple of weeks. Today we switch to power snatches. Take 10min to build to 75-85% of your Power Snatch then, Every 20sec x 15 sets Power Snatch x 1 rep @55-60% Conditioning: Another “Open” style workout and movements...
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Mobility: Hips Skill: Turkish Get-ups Technique review then 10min to build to a 3RM on each arm Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18min of: 400m Run, Row, Ski 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 20 Straight Leg Raises (hands anchored to kettlebell behind head) 30sec Left Arm Front Rack Kettlebell Walk 30sec Right...
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Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 10min (5 sets) of:10 Deadlifts @ 50%New/Challenge Members: Please lower the reps to 6 each set. Conditioning: Against a 3min Clock 25 Wall Balls 15 Toes to Bar Max Reps Double-unders Rest 3min and repeat for a total of 4 sets.
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Dynamic Warm-up Strength: 3 sets 1a) Shoulder Press x 10-8-6 reps 1b) Horizontal Ring Row with 3sec Pause* x 6 reps (@1113) 1c) L-sit or Knee Tuck on Boxes x 30-45sec accumulated *You can make these very difficult by getting horizontal with feet on a small box Conditioning: 50/35 Calorie Bike 50 Reverse Alternating Lunges...
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Warm-up Strength: You just had 3 weeks of tempo work. Today you’ve got a different style that is a bit more dynamic and focuses on getting out of the hole quickly. Again, technique and form are the priority. Do not go so heavy that it prevents you from staying upright and explosive. Every 90sec x...
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Barbell Warm-up Barbell Cycling: Every Minute on the Minute x 3minPower Clean and Jerks x 5 reps @ 50%Every Minute on the Minute x 3minPower Clean and Jerks x 4 reps @ 60%Every Minute on the Minute x 3minPower Clean and Jerks x 3 reps @ 70%@cfwinterpark12:00:Every 2min x 4minPower Clean and Jerks x 10...
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Mobility: Shoulders Skill: Ring Muscle-up Progressions Conditioning: 2-person team 250m Row or 200m Run with partner in static hold: 1) Weighted Wall Sit 2) Double Overhead Hold 3) Bottom of Lunge Hold 4) Double Front Rack Hold 5) Dead Hang from Pull-up Bar or Rings 6) Bottom of Squat Hold 7) Handstand or Plank Hold...
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Warm-up Strength: 4 sets Deadlift x 8 reps Rest 2min Conditioning: 1000/800m Row 30 Dumbbell Deadlifts 25 Dumbbell Push Press 20 Dumbbell Lunges 15 Boy Makers* *Row, Push-up, Row, Power Clean to Overhead (A man maker without the squat)
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Nasal Breathing Warm-up: You will only be breathing through your nose for this entire warm-up. Why do we practice nasal breathing? In a nutshell, it improves our fitness. Normally, when we feel as though we need more oxygen, it’s really our body’s inability to deal with the buildup of carbon dioxide. Even though it doesn’t...
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