


You just had 3 weeks of tempo work. Today you’ve got a different style that is a bit more dynamic and focuses on getting out of the hole quickly. Again, technique and form are the priority. Do not go so heavy that it prevents you from staying upright and explosive.

Every 90sec x 8 sets

1 and ¼ Front Squat x 2 reps


No Rx today.Everyone starts from the top with rows and squats. You should have at least 1-15sec rest on stations 1 and 2. Use your own erg/bike because you need to stay on it for the full 60sec.

Every Minute on the Minute x 20min

1- 2 Renegade Rows + 10 Dumbbell Front Squats

2- 30sec Max Reps of Pull-ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Bar or Ring Muscle-ups

3- Row, Bike or Ski for Max Calories

4- Rest

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