
Barbell Warm-up Barbell Cycling: Every 90sec x 6 sets Sets 1-3: 3 Hang Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats Sets 4-6: 2 Hang Power Snatch + 2 Hang Squat Snatch  Conditioning: “DG” As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10min of: 8 Toes to Bar 8 Dumbbell Thrusters 12 Dumbbell Walking Lunges Rx 35/25...
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Mobility: Ankles Skill: Pistol Progressions Conditioning: Every Minute on the Minute x 20min 1- 15-20 Russian Kettlebell Swings + Hollow Hold in remaining time 2- 10 Alternating Pistols or Cossack Squats + 5-10 Plank Burpees 3- Run, Row, Bike, Ski x 60sec 4- Rest
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Warm-up: CO2 Tolerance Walk- 200m, Then 2rds of: 5 Romanian Deadlifts, 5 Muscle Clean and Press, 5 Front Squats, 5 Thrusters Increasing CO2 tolerance helps build aerobic capacity. When you hold your breath, carbon dioxide rises in the blood and signals to your brain to breathe. The more sensitive you are to carbon dioxide, the...
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Warm-up Strength: 3 sets 1a) Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 @30X1 immediately followed by Banded Triceps Press Downs x 20 reps @30X1 1b) Strict Pull-ups x 8 reps immediately followed by Straight Arm Banded Lat Pull Downs x 20 reps @30X1 1c) Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts x 8 each leg Slow and Controlled. Do not...
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Nasal Breathing Warm-up: You will only be breathing through your nose for this entire warm-up. Why do we practice nasal breathing? In a nutshell, it improves our fitness. Normally, when we feel as though we need more oxygen, it’s really our body’s inability to deal with the buildup of carbon dioxide. Even though it doesn’t...
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Barbell Warm-up Barbell Cycling: Every 90sec x 6 sets 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Hang Squat Cleans Conditioning: Since the Open is approaching, we are taking a look back at a workout from last year. Please read the standards and decide which version you are doing before coming to class. READ CrossFit Games Open...
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Stephanie recently sat down with the team at Levels to share her experience using a continuous glucose monitor to learn more about her metabolic health. You can link to the whole interview HERE. Member Profile Who: Stephanie Nickitas, 45Where: Winter Park, FloridaTime with Levels: Off and on since fall 2020Most Useful Takeaway: She has a higher glucose spike eating...
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Mobility: Thoracic Openers Midline/Stability: 4 sets Plank Dumbbell Pull Through x 12 reps Copenhagen Plank x 30sec each side Heavy Kettlebell Suitcase Carry x 100ft each arm 20sec Iso Hold on Top of Rings + 5-10sec Lowering Conditioning: Option 1- As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 16min of: 4 Deck Squats with slam...
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Warm-up Strength: Every 3min x 9min 20 Deadlifts @ 40-50% Perform these sets with touch and go, but DO NOT BOUNCE. Double overhand grip. Newer members: Modify to 12-15 reps each set Conditioning: 5rds 1min Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk 1min Ab-mat Sit-ups 1min Box Jump Overs 24/20 1min 200m Run 1min Rest
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Warm-up Strength: 3 sets 1a) Shoulder Press 6-6-6* 1b) Strict Pull-ups x 8 reps** *Last week you had 10-8-6, so try to go a little heavier this week. **Make these as difficult as possible. They don’t have to be unbroken sets. Add weight if you can. Conditioning: If you are taking more than 1:45 per...
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