
Warm-up Midline: 3 sets for quality of:20sec Ring Support HoldRest 30sec40sec Nose to Wall Handstand HoldRest 30sec60sec Prone Plank HoldRest 60sec Conditioning: Time Cap 25min Rx 35/25 Rx+ 50/35 200m Run 30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 200m Run 30 Dumbbell Goblet Squats 200m Run 30 Dumbbell Box Step-overs 24/20 200m Run 30 Burpee Box Jumps with...
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Reminder that we are closed on Labor Day. Enjoy the holiday with friends and family. See you Tuesday! For those of you looking for a little sweat session on Monday, here are a few Hero workouts that can be done at home, without equipment. Enjoy! Maupin  4 rounds for time of: 800m Run 49 Push-ups...
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Warm-up: Strength: Same % on the tempos, but the 3 no tempo reps are heavier than last week. Tempo Back Squat @32X1 3×65, 2×70, 2×75, 1×80, 1×82% Followed by one set of Back Squat x 3 reps @85% with No Tempo Conditioning: 50/35 Assault Bike Calories Then, 3rds 10 Deadlifts 225/155 10 Lateral Burpees Over...
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Mobility: Lats and Biceps Skill: Rope Climb Technique Review Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18min of: 600m Run, Row, Ski or 45/30 Bike 16 Single Dumbbell Walking Lunges (8R/8L)* 12 Dumbbell Plank Pull Throughs 2-4 Rope Climbs *Hold dumbbell: farmers carry, front rack, overhead
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Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Percentages based on Power Clean and Jerk. Every Minute on the Minute x 3min 2 Mid-Thigh Power Clean + 1 Jerk @60-65% Rest 1min Every Minute on the Minute x 3min Mid-Thigh Power Clean + Jerk @65-70% Rest 1min Every Minute on the Minute x 3min 2in Below Knee Power Clean...
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Today is a gymnastics strength and skill day. Focus on your quality of movement and technique in both sections. Warm-up Strength: Every Minute on the Minute x 10min 1- Strict Supinated Grip Chest to Bar Pull-ups* x 5-8 reps 2- Strict Handstand Push-ups or L-seated Dumbbell Press x 5-8 reps *Use a slightly wider grip...
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Warm-up Strength: Bulgarians- The tempo is the priority. 3 seconds down, 1 second at bottom, 1 up, and 1 pause at top. 6sec per rep = 36sec of work. Only add weight if you can maintain the tempo. Hold dumbbells farmer’s style. Every Minute on the Minute x 12min 1- Bulgarian Split Squats x 6...
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Warm-up Strength: Day 1 of a new back squat cycle. The first few weeks will focus on tempo. Use this time to dial in your positioning, with a big focus on getting below parallel with the 2 second hold and lighter weights. The percentages are based on your regular back squat. If you don’t know...
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Mobility: Shoulders and Lats Skill: Bar Muscle-up Progressions Conditioning: You can alternate between running, rowing, skiing. As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18min of: 200m Run, Row, Ski 20 Ball Slams 20 Straight Leg Raises with Ball in Press 100m Run, Row, Ski 10 Med Ball Clean with Slam Ball 10 Deck Squat...
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Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Day 1 of a new cycle of Power Clean and Jerk. The first few weeks should be focused on dialing in technique when the weight is light. The jerk can be a power or split jerk and can change as it gets heavier. The percentages are based on your Power Clean...
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