Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 6 Glute Bridge @1115 8 OHS 10 Hollow Rock Strength: Every 2:30min Front Squat 5@60%, 3@70%, 2@80%, 1@90%, 1@95%, 1@103% Take 15min to build to 85% of your 1RM Snatch Then, for time: 10 Snatch at 85% Every failed attempt = 10 Burpee Over Barbell before trying next attempt....Read More
Mobility: Shoulders Skill: Handstand Progressions WOD: EMOM x 16 1) Rope Climb x 2-3 2) Wall Walk x 2-3 or HS Hold or Plank Hold x 30sec 3) Roll to Candlestick x 4-5 4) 100m Run focusing on Pose technique Mobility: 10min of athlete choiceRead More
We wanted to take a minute to go over a couple of important “rules” to follow while you are at the gym and around fellow members that are in the process of lifting. This mainly applies to the snatch and the clean & jerk, but can also be applied to other movements like squatting, pressing...Read More
EMOM x 12 1) Muscle-up x 3-4 2) Sumo Deadlift x 4 3) Pistol x 3-4 each leg WOD: 50 Russian KBS (Rx 53/35 Rx+ 70/53) 40 Anchored Sit-ups 30 C2B 20 SDHP w/ KB 10 Burpee Pull-upRead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 6 Glute Bridge w/ kick-out 6 Push-up to Spiderman 6 Chin-up Strength: Back Squat 5 @ 50/65/70/75% Take 15min to build to a heavy Power Clean Then, 5rds 5 Power Clean @ 70% of today’s heavy single 10 Air Squat 15 DURead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 5 Roll To Candlestick 6 Front Rack Lunges 5 Good Morning Strength: Front Squat 5@60%, 3@70%, 2@80%, 2@90%, 1@95% WOD: 600m Run for time @5:00 on clock EMOM x 10 4/3 Strict Pull-up 5 Thruster (115/75) @ 17:00 on clock 750m run for time Record 2 scores: 600m run...Read More
Warm-up: 750m Run then 3 sets of: 30sec Box Shoulder Stretch 30sec Rest 30sec L-sit 30sec Rest Skill: 15min of GOAT training (skills only) EMOM x 16 1) 4-6 Inverted Burpee 2) 4-6 Strict T@B @3111 3) 4-6 TGU 4) 4-6 Single Leg RDL Finish: Shoulder Prehab: 2 sets I Y T W’sRead More