
Warm-up Today’s focus is on the glutes and posterior chain with a little bit of midline/stability woven in. Focus on quality of movement and go as heavy as possible on the hip thrusters, lunges and RKBS. Strength Part 1: 3 sets of:Barbell Hip Thrusters x 8 reps @2112immediately followed by…Barbell Hip Thrust Iso-Hold x 15-30secRest...
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Mobility: Thoracic Openers Skill: Bar Muscle-ups Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18min of: 400m Run, Row, Ski or 21/18 Calorie Assault Bike 18 Dumbbell Floor Press 16 Alternating Curtsy Squats 14 Dumbbell Pike Overs 12 Renegade Row* 10 Single Dumbbell Goblet Squats *Row R, Push-up, Row L
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Barbell Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 12min Overhead Squat Sets 1-3: 4 reps Sets 4-6: 3 reps Conditioning: Every year at the end of October we complete the workout, Grace. This workout is typically associated with Breast Cancer Awareness month. Feel free to wear your pink! Grace 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 Notes for Grace:4min...
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Warm-up Strength: 4 sets 1a) Bench Press x 6 reps 1b) 4 Strict Ring Pull-ups + 6 Toes to Rings Conditioning: 60/48 Calorie Row 50 Double-unders 40 Ab-mat Sit-ups 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pull with Kettlebell 53/35 20 Reps of “Marguerita” *Burpee/Push-up/Jumping-Jack/Sit-up/Handstand
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Warm-up Conditioning: You must use the same weight for all 3 sets. You should have about 1min on the barbell. So, if the run is taking you more than 4min, reduce the distance. Against a 5min Clock: 750m Run Max Reps Front Squats Rest 2min Against a 5min Clock: 750m Run Max Reps Push Press...
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Warm-up Today’s primary focus is the back squat. If you are a person that takes a while to warm-up, please come to the gym early and do what you need to do to prep yourself for this lift. Take a look at the skills before class today and have a plan for what type of...
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Mobility: Wrists and Forearms Skill: Handstand Walking Progressions Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18min: 400m Run, Row, Ski or 21/18 Calorie Assault Bike 15 Med Ball Cleans with Slam Ball 20 Russian Twists with Ball 25ft Handstand Walk or 3 Wall Walks 50ft Walking Lunges Holding Slam Ball
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Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Every 2min x 16min Build to a 1RM Power Clean + Jerk Have a plan for your sets and write it out ahead of time. Suggested loading: 2-3×70, 2×75, 1×80, 1×85, 1×90, 1×95, 1×101+,1×101+% Bodyweight Strength: These should be as difficult as possible. They do not have to be unbroken sets....
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Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 5 Over-unders each way 10 Elbow Plank to Push-up Transitions 5 Squat Tuck Jumps Strength + Power: 1a) 5 sets 5 Dynamic Push-ups Rest 30sec between sets 1b) Take 6min to build to a Max Height PVC Jump Over Conditioning: Time Cap 15min 400m Run 20 Toes to Bar...
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We are very excited to announce that you can now use your HSA/FSA funds to reimburse yourself for memberships and other purchases at CrossFit Winter Park and Winter Park Bootcamp! This means you could be saving an average of 30%! To make this happen, we have partnered with TrueMed, a company devoted to driving HSA/FSA...
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