
WP Daily Workout
Barbell warm-up Clean 1X2@70%, 1X2@75%, 1X2@80%, 1X2@85% WOD: 1 min AMRAP- KBS (53/35) rest 1 min 4 min AMRAP 5 Hang power clean (70%) 5 HSPU rest 2min 4min AMRAP 5 Hang power clean 5 Tall box jump (30/24) rest 1 min 1 min AMRAP- KBS
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Skill: Muscle-up practice WOD: Against a 3min clock with 3 min rest for 4 rounds Row 250m 15 pull-ups ME wall ball *score is number of wall balls after 4 rounds
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1) EMOM x 10  2-Position power Snatch (high hang, mid hang) at 70% or less of 1RM 2) 1RM Back Squat 3) RDL 5×5 4) Use remaining time to work on a goat or mobilize
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Warm up, not for time: 3 rounds 6 strict pull-ups 6 strict dips 8 hollow rocks 8 supermans WOD: 1 mile run, then 3 rounds of: 10 burpee, 10 T2B, 10 air squat, 10 sit-up then, 400m run
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  Strength: Front squat 5-5-3-3-2 WOD: 15min amrap 10 KB snatch (53/35) 10 Box jump 10 Push-up 10 KB reverse burpee
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Strength: 1RM Push Press WOD: “Jackie” 1000m row 50 thrusters 30 pull-ups
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5 rounds not for time: 5 wall walk 5 pistol (each leg) 1 rope climb WOD: 800m run 60 sit-ups 20 OH plate lunges total 25/15 400m run 40 sit-ups 20 OH plate lunges total 25/15 200m run 20 sit-ups 20 OH plate lunges total 25/15  
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Skill: Turkish Get Ups Strength: Power clean 3-3-3 WOD: 15-12-9 Hang power clean Burpee pull-up *50 double unders after each round
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Oly: 1) Snatch complex Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds Hang power snatch, power snatch + 2 OHS 2) Tall box jumps 5×5 WOD 6min AMRAP 6 T2B 6 Burpee box jumps 24/20
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Skill: Core work- 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest for 2 rounds a) handstand hold, b) plank on hands, c) left hand plank, d) right hand plank, e) L-sit WOD: 20min AMRAP 15 KBS 53/35 15 Sit-up 15 Push-up 15 DU 200m run
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