Warm-up: 200m run, then 3rds of: 6 BB thrusters, 10 hollow rock Strength: Front Squat 6×75/80, 4×85, 3×90, 2×95, 6×75% WOD: EMOM x 9min 10 Wall Ball (20/14) ME burpee in remaining time each minute *score is total number of burpees after 9 roundsRead More
Mobility: 15min on shoulders Core: 5rds of 30sec L-sit, 30sec rest (on box or rings) WOD: EMOM x 25min 100m run 2 rope climb 30sec ME T2B 30sec ME DU 30sec ME Alternating single-arm Russian KBS (53/35) **score is total reps of T2B, DU, KBS at end of 5rdsRead More
Today’s WOD is a retest from Sept. 24th. We have a few members participating in the Lurong Paleo Challenge and this is their last week. They will actually be repeating 3 WODs to see their improvements, but this is the only one we will do as a group. So if you have been tracking your...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run, then 3rds of: 5 parallette pass thrus with push-up/dip, 10 BB overhead lunges Strength: 1a) Strict Press 6×75/80, 4×85, 3×90, 2×95, 6×75% 1b) Weighted narrow grip strict chin up x 5-6 reps WOD: 5rds 200m run 10 box jump (24/20) 10 ring dip (no more than red band or scale to box/parallette)...Read More