Warm-up: 200m run then 2rds of: 10 Good Morning (45/35) 10 Shoulder Pro/Retract 10 Hollow Rock EMOM x 12 1- Barbell Hip Thruster x 8 (heavy as possible. 225/155 or more) 2- Barbell Row x 6-8 (heavy) 3- Rope Climb x 2-3 (legless if possible) WOD: 500m Row 30 Pull-up 20 Deadlift (185/135) 15 C2B...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 6 Push-up to Spiderman 10 OHS 10 Glute Bridge Strength: Back Squat 6@70/80%, 3@90%, 2@95% WOD: Every 2min for 24min (6 sets each) Station 1- High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk Station 2- 6 Strict HSPU + 30 DURead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 2rds of: I’s Y’s T’s W’s 6 Front Squat (45/35) Strength: Push Press 8 @ 60/70/75% WOD: 2-person team for total overall time. Congo style. Partner A begins on row, as soon as A is done with row, Partner B may begin row. 25 cal Row – 25 Thruster (75/55) 20...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 10 Glute Bridge 5 Push-up 10 OHS w/ pvc Strength: Back Squat 8@65%, 6@75%, 4@85%, 4@90% WOD: EMOM x 15 1) 5 Touch and Go Power Snatch 2) 10 C2B 3) 20 DU (No singles. Practice attempts) Finish: 3 sets of 15 Partner Glute Ham RaisesRead More
Warm-Up: 200m run then 3rds of: 6 Glute Bridge w/ kick-out 6 Inverted Burpee to Wall Strength: Front Squat 6@65/70/80/85% WOD: 5rds for total overall time 2 Clean (115/75) 3 Thruster 4 Front Squat 5 S2OH 6 Back Squat 100m Sprint 1min Rest (MUST rest the full minute!)Read More
Mobility: Hips Prehab/Rehab: EMOM x 8 Even: 12 Reverse Snow Angels Odd: 8 Single Leg RDL Skill: Rowing Technique WOD: EMOM x 16 1- 6 Roll to Candlestick 2- 3 Wall Walk 3- 60sec Row (focus only on technique, not speed or distance) 4- RestRead More