Mobility: Thoracic Spine Openers Midline/Stability: 3 sets Alternating Cossack Squats x 12 Superman Punches x 15 reps Elbow Plank to Push-up Transitions x 20 Supine Plank or Face Up Chinese Plank x 45sec Conditioning: Every Minute on the Minute x 20min 1- Inverted Burpees x 30-45sec 2- Rope Climb x 1-3 reps 3- Russian Kettlebell...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Take 20min to build to a 1RM Front Squat Conditioning: 75 Double-unders 50 Ab-mat Situps 25 Deadlifts Rx 185/135 50 Ab-mat Situps 75 Double-unders Finish: If time allows, cool down with 10min of nasal breathing only on a bike, erg, ski erg or jog.Read More
Warm-up Strength: 3 sets 1- Double Dumbbell Push Press x 10 reps + Isometric Overhead Hold for 30sec 2- Single Arm Dumbbell Row @2111 x 8 each arm Conditioning: CrossFit Semifinals Age Group Workout 1 (as a team) Split meters and reps evenly. One barbell and bench per team. No Rx today. Here are some...Read More
Warm-up Skill: Every Minute on the Minute x 8min 30sec of Pull-up work*, 30sec of rest *This could mean rack rows, strict, kipping, or butterfly pull-ups. For those of you that are proficient at kipping/butterfly, do not accumulate more than 100 reps. Conditioning: 1000m Run 3rds of 15 Hang Squat Cleans 75/55 10 Lateral Burpees...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 12min Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Conditioning: 4rds 25 Toes to Bar 50 Double-unders 12-9-6-3 Power Snatches 115/75Read More
Mobility: Wrists and Forearms Skill: Handstand Walks Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 16min of: 600m Run or Row 40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 30 Walking Lunges 20 Handstand Marching Taps (or Shoulder Taps) or 20ft Handstand Walk 10 Deck Squats with kettlebellRead More
Warm-up Strength: Front Squat 4×70%, 3×80%, 2×85%, 1×90%, 1×95% Conditioning: Every 8min x 24min (3 sets) of:10 Hang Clusters (95/65)20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 to 10′ target)300m Run 20 Burpees10 Straight Leg Raises holding med ballRead More
Warm-up Strength: Take 20min to build to a 1RM Deadlift Conditioning: The Tabata interval is 20sec work followed by 10sec of rest for 8 intervals per movement. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Ball Slams Sit-ups Jumping Lunges Row, Bike or Ski for CalsRead More
Warm-up Strength: Every 90sec x 12min (4 sets) 1- Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Press x 8 reps each arm 2- Strict Supinated Grip Chest to Bar Pull-ups x 6-8 reps Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 3min of: 20 Pull-ups 25 Push-ups 30 Air Squats Rest 1min and repeat for a total of...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Every 2min x 10min Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat Conditioning: 4rds 21 Wall Ball Shots15 Toes to Bar9 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 Finish: 2-3 setsDumbbell Floor Press x 5 reps @21X1Rest 20secTempo Push-Ups x 10 reps @1111Rest 20 secondsBanded Triceps Pushdowns x 20 repsRest 60secRead More