
WP Daily Workout
Skill: Muscle up- work on technique & progressions WOD: 3rds 10 Hang snatch 5 MU’s or 10 pull-ups 10 Lunges w/ plate (25/15)  
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Strength: 15min to establish a heavy push press (1RM for the day) WOD: Against a 3min clock with 1 min rest between rounds for 4 rounds 200m run 10 Push press at 60% of daily 1RM 10 Burpee bar hops + ME sit-ups **score is max reps of sit-ups over 4 rounds
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Strength: Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 WOD: 5min AMRAP 10 Hang power clean (135/95) 100m Row Rest 2min 5min AMRAP 10 OHS (115/75) 10 Box jump Rest 2min 5min AMRAP 10 Front squat (95/65) 10 T2B
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Skill: Pistols 20-25min of practice, using progressions WOD: 500m row, then 3 rounds 8 pistols 9 HSPU 10 T2B 11 DU’s
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Strength: 1a) 5×5 Strict/weighted pull-ups or ring row 1b) 5×5 Strict/weighted ring dips or box dips WOD Run 1 mile 30 burpee pull-ups Run 400m
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Snatches Barbell warm-up & mobility A) EMOM x 16 Even: 2-position snatch Odd: 4 tall box jumps (advanced: reverse burpee box jumps) B) Snatch pulls- 5×5 Cash out: 100 hollow rocks (break into sets to allow for strict form)
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Strength: Front squat 5-5-3-3-3 WOD: 2 person team. One partner completes a full round, while other rests. “Running Cindy” 20min AMRAP 200m run 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 air squats (advanced: C2B and jumping squats)
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Strength: 5 sets of 2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk WOD: Against a 2min running clock with 2min rest between sets 4 rounds for total push press: 300m row Push press (115/75)
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CrossFit Winter Park is an official affiliate of Lurong Living and is offering a 10% discount code on your first order. Just click here to learn more about the amazing benefits of this 100% natural supplement. “LuRong, also known as Deer Velvet Antler in the US, is a revolutionary whole food that has been used […]
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Strength: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 WOD: 10min AMRAP 10 SDHP w/ KBS 10 KBS 10 Lunges
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