
WP Daily Workout
Warm-up: 4 rounds, Not for time of: 4 wall walk, 6 box jump , 8 wall ball, 10 hollow rock Strength: 1a) Push press 5-4-3-3-2 1b) Weighted chin-up 5  x 6 WOD: 21-15-9 Thrusters T2B Rx 95/65    Rx+ 135/95
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Strength:  3 rounds of: 1a) Bulgarian split squats x 8-10 reps each leg 1b) Weighted Dips x 10 WOD: 3 rounds 10 Hang power clean at 70% 15 Plyo push-ups to plates (45/25) 20 Sit-ups
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Warm-up: 4 rounds, Not for time of: Horizontal ring row x 10 Banded good mornings x 10 L-sit 45-60 seconds WOD: 600m run 25 C2B pull-up 400m run 20 pull-up (10 C2B + 10 chin over) 200m run 15 pull-up (chin over) 100m run *Rx+ = C2B on all reps/rounds  
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1) EMOM x 8   Hang power snatch + snatch at no more than 70-75% 2) Back squat 5×40, 5×50, 3×60, 5×75, 3×85, 1 or more x 95 3a) 3×3 Power jerk 3b) 3×3 Pendlay row
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Strength: Deadlift 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60 3@80%, 3@85%, 3 or more@90% WOD: 30 second of work, 30 seconds of rest for 3 rounds of: Row for cal Wall ball (20/14) Sit-ups KBS (53/35) DU *score is total of all reps in all rounds
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Oly day! Barbell warm-up 1) Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds- Power clean + hang clean + clean 2) Front squat 3×75%, 3×80%, 3×85% 3) 3×10 good mornings 4) Mobility- lax ball glute and barbell quad smashing
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Skill: Pull-up practice WOD: “Cindy” 20min AMRAP 5 pull-up 10 push-up 15 air squat
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Strength/skill: 1a) 5×3 push press 1b) 5×6-8 reps horizontal ring row  or 2-3 MU WOD: 50 KBS (53/35) buy in, then 4 rounds 10 push press (115/75) 10 burpee box jump (24/20)
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Strength: Back squat 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% 3@80% , 3@85% , 3 or more@90% WOD: 15 HSPU, 20 T2B, 25 air squat, 200m run 10 HSPU, 15 T2B, 20 air squat, 400m run 5 HSPU, 10 T2B, 15 air squat, 600m run
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Strength: Deadlift 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@ 60% 5@75%, 5@80%, 5@85% Wod: 400m run Then 4 rounds 20 OH plate lunges 15 sit-ups 10 SDHP w/ KB 5 ring dips
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