9/11 Memorial WOD 2001m run/row 11 Box jump (30/24) 11 Thruster (125/85) 11 Burpee C2B 11 Power clean (170/120) 11 HSPU 11 KBS (70/53) 11 T2B 11Deadlift (170/120) 11 Push jerk (110/75) 2001m run/row *if you started with the run, then row at the end or vice versa **The workout itself is completely symbolic of...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run, then 3rds of: 8 strict T2B, 8 strict dips, 5 tall box jumps w/ step down Oly: Every 90sec for 15min 3 Position Power Snatch (High hang, mid hang, floor) http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercises/exercise.php?exerciseID=167 Strength: Deadlift 3x 65/70/75/80 Cash out: 5rds of 10 hollow rock and 10 supermanRead More
Strength: Take 15-20min to find your 1RM Push Press WOD: 400m run 10 S2OH (135/95) 20 Pull-up 30 KBS (53/35) 200m run 30 KBS 20 Pull-up 10 S2OH 400m runRead More
Strength/Skill: 15-20min of Split Jerk practice WOD: EMOM x 20 Even: Hang Power Clean + Power Clean + Split Jerk Odd: 3 Tall box jump (Higher than you normally jump. Work on explosiveness. No steps, two foot standing jump)Read More