Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 8 Hand release push-up, 8 BB Thruster, 30sec L-seated hang from bar Strength: Back Squat 6x 60%/65%/70%/75%/80% WOD: 20 Power clean @ 70% then, 3rds 20 wall ball (20/14) 20 pull-up then, 10 Power clean @ 70% http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercises/exercise.php?exerciseID=67Read More
Mobility: Barbell smashing Warm-up: Burgener Junkyard Dog WOD: As a two person team: 100 single unders/plank hold on elbows 200m run/hang from pull-up bar 200m run/L-sit on ground with plate overhead (45/35) 200m run/wall sit with plate on legs (45/35) 200m run/handstand hold on wall (butt cannot touch the wall, feet only) 200m run/wall sit...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 45sec HS hold, 6 strict weighted chin-ups Strength: 1a) Shoulder press 8×60%/65%/70%/75% 1b) Single arm DB/KB row x 6-8 each WOD: 400m run then 2rds: 15 KBS (53/35) 15 T2B then 200m run then 2rds: 15 KBS (53/35) 15 T2B then 400m runRead More
Reminder that Saturday October 4th is our One Year Anniversary WOD. Hope to see everyone there! Warm-up: 200m run, then 2rds of : 10 BB back rack step, 10 BB good morning, 10 spiderman Strength: Front squat 10×60% 10×65% 10×70% WOD: 5 Reverse burpee lateral bar hop 10 Deadlift @ 75-80% 15 HSPU 20 Box...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run, then 20 inverted burpee Skill: EMOM x 12 a) 30-40 DU b) 10 Strict T2B c) 10 Pistols d) 20ft HS Walk WOD: 3-person team For total overall time: 15 x 250m row (5 each person)Read More
Barbell warm-up OLY: 1) Every 90 seconds for 15min (10sets) High hang snatch + Mid hang snatch @ 75-80% of 1RM 2) 5 sets of 3 x Snatch Pull @101-105% Rest 2min between sets WOD: 5min AMRAP 5 Ball slam (25/15) 7 Push-up 9 Sit-ups 11 Parallette hopsRead More