Barbell Warm-Up Oly: Every 90sec 3 sets of High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk @60-65% 3 sets of Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk @70-75% 3 sets of 2 Clean Lift Offs + Clean + Jerk @75-80% 2 sets of Clean + Jerk x 1 @80% 2 sets of Clean x Jerk 1...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Oly Every 90sec: 3 sets of High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @65-70% 3 sets of Hang Snatch + Snatch @70-75% 3 sets of 2 Snatch Lift Offs + Snatch @75-80% 2 sets of Snatch x 2 @80%+ 2 sets of Snatch x 1 @90%+ WOD: 400m Run then, 50-40-30-20 DU 10-15-20-25 Russian...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 8 Scap Push-up @2212 10 Hollow Rock 10 Dislocates Strength: 1RM Push Press WOD: EMOM x 15 1) 2-5 Ring or Bar MU 2) 4-6 Man Makers 3) 6 UB Hang Power Clean + 6 Box Jump (24/20) Finish: 3 sets DB Row x 8 @2111 Strict Ring Dip...Read More
After signing up for CrossFit Winter Park the day it opened its doors, Bradd has found the competitive atmosphere that he’s been missing. As an orthopedic surgeon, Bradd shares his beliefs on why CrossFit itself isn’t dangerous and how he’s using it to accomplish his ultimate goal of longevity. Learn more about Bradd’s journey below:...Read More
Mobility: Shoulders Skill: Athlete Choice WOD: 400m Row 40 Russian Twists (25/15) 400m Run 40 Candlesticks 400m Row 40 Ball Slam Sit-ups (25/15) 400m Run 40 L-sit Leg Lifts on Rings If time allows, practice isometric holds for building strength on pull-ups and dips.Read More
CrossFit Winter Park – CrossFit Barbell Warm-Up Clean and Jerk (15min to build to today’s heavy single) Metcon Never up scale a Hero or benchmark workout. If you think it’s light, then go FASTER. Badger (Time) Three Rounds for time of: 30 ‘Squat’ Cleans, 95# 30 Pull-ups Run 800 metersIn honor of Navy Chief Petty...Read More
Barbell Warm-up 15min to build to a heavy Clean & Jerk “Badger” 3rds 30 Squat Clean (95/65) 30 Pull-ups 800m Run In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq in December of 2007.Read More