Warm-up/Mobility Strength: 3 sets 1a) ½ Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Press @2111 x 6 each + 20 Hand Plank Shoulder Taps 1b) Ring Row @2112 x 6 each + 15 Banded Lat Pull Downs Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 16min of: 400m Row/Ski/Run 20 Ball Slam 5 Deck Squat with ball...Read More
Warm-up: Coaches choice +The Rabbit, The Crab, The Panther Conditioning: Against a 3min Clock for 5 sets for Max Reps each set. Rest 2min between sets 400m Run + Max reps of: 1) Burpee Box Jump Overs 30/24 2) Box Jump Overs 30/24 3) Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 4) Box Jump Overs 24/20 5)...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Every 2:30 for 3 sets Front Rack Reverse Alternating Barbell Lunges @2011 x 16 reps (total) Conditioning: 500m Row Then, 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull with kettlebell Rx 53/35 Rx+ 70/53 50 Ab Mat Sit-ups 50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 50 Straight Leg Lifts Finish: 3 sets Single Leg Calf Raises @3011 x 15...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Front Squat x 6,4,2,2 Conditioning: 15 Thruster 95/65 15 Toes to Bar 300m Run 12 Thruster 12 Toes to bar 200m Run 9 Thruster 9 Toes to Bar 100m Run Finish: 3 sets 5 Tempo Push-up @1111 immediately followed by 15 Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension Rest 30sec 5 Chin-up immediately followed by 15...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Deadlift x 8,6,5,3 First of three weeks focusing on being explosive in your lifts. Over the 3 weeks, reps will decrease, and your load should increase. around 80-85% for 3 reps Conditioning: Every Minute on the Minute x 12min Even- 8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups Odd- 6 Unbroken Touch n Go Power Clean...Read More
Mobility: Hips Skill: Turkish Get-up Quick technique review then, 3 sets for Quality 3 Turkish Get-ups (each) 9 Wolf Raises (each) 12 Glute Bridge Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 16min of: 300m Run/Row 4 Deck Squat w/ med ball 8 Med Ball Clean 12 Russian Twists w/ med ball 16 Lunges...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Front Squat x 8,6,5,3 First of three weeks focusing on being explosive in your lifts. Over the 3 weeks, reps will decrease, and your load should increase. Conditioning: 3rds 6 Hang Power Clean Rx 115/75 Rx+ 135/95 These need to be unbroken. 12 Wall Balls 20/14 24 Double-unders Rest exactly 3min Then, 18...Read More
It’s been an amazing 7 Years! Huge thank you to all of our members, past and present. We are humbled to have been able to help so many people reach their health and wellness goals. And, we look forward to supporting our community for many more years to come. We opened our doors for our...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Alternating High Box Step-up 5 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift Holding Slam Ball 5 Tempo Push-up @1111 Strength: Deadlift x 5,4,3,3 @X2X2 – start from the ground – lift to 2 inches off the floor and pause for 2 sec – continue lift to just above the knee and...Read More