Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 5 Strict Press 10 Overhead Barbell Lunges 10 Bird Dog Strength: Push Press 6×70, 6×75, 4×80, 4×85% Workout of the Day 5min AMRAP 5 Power Snatch 10 Overhead Squats 15 Box Jump (24/20) Rest 3min Repeat for a total of 3 sets. Rx 95/65 Rx+ 135/95Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 6 Single Arm Overhead Banded Split Squat 10 Glute Bridge 6 Ring Row Strength: Sumo Deadlift 4×4 Workout of the Day Every 90sec for 24min 1) Row 12/10 Cal 2) 15 Double-unders + 15 Russian KBS 3) Strict Pull-up x 6-10 reps 4) Plank x 60secRead More
Warm-up: 20 Jumping Jacks, 15 Air Squats, 10 Plank Burpee Then 3rds of: 4 Muscle Clean 4 Front Squat 4 Tall Clean Strength: Every 2:30 for 4 sets Front Squat with a double bounce x 3 reps @70-75% Workout of the Day Every 90sec for 10 sets 5 Toes to Bar 3 Lateral Bar Burpee...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 3 1 ¼ Front Squat 5 Ring Pull-up 2 Wall Walk Strength: Back Squat 6×65% 6×70% 4×75 4×80% Workout of the Day 400m Run 35 Deadlift 30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 25 Handstand Push-ups 20 Front Squat Rx 165/115 or 400m Run 35 Deadlift 30 Pull-ups 25 Handstand Push-ups...Read More
Mobility: Ankles/Calves Skill: Pistols Workout of the Day Option 1- Skills 3 Option 2- 2 person team 600m Team Run 30 Partner Ball Slam Sit-ups (15ea) 1200m Row 30 Partner Leg Throw Downs (15ea) 60sec Wall Sit 60sec Dead Hang from Rig 30 Partner Leg Thrown Down 1200m Row 30 Partner Ball Slam Sit-ups 600m...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 DB Overhead Walking lunge (5R/5L) 10 Alt High Box Step-up 10 Push-up Strength: Push Press 6×65% 6×70% 4×75 4×80% Workout of the Day EMOM x 21 1) 5 Lateral Bar Burpee + 3 Cluster 2) 5 Burpee Box Jump + 8 Alt Dumbbell Snatch 3) 10 Toes to...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 6 Wide Grip Chest to Bar Rack Row 6 Single Leg RDL (each) 45sec Plank Hold Strength: Sumo Deadlift 5×5 Workout of the Day 2K Row Finish: 3-4 sets KB Suitcase/Waiters Carry 30sec Plank on Rings 5 Strict Chin-upRead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 8 Med Ball Clean 16 Wolf Raises 8 Glute Bridge @1113 holding ball Strength: Tempo Front Squat @23X1 4×2 Workout of the Day 7min AMRAP Buy- In 50 Wall Ball (20/14) then, 5 Squat Clean and Jerk 25 Double-unders Rx 135/95 Rx+ 185/135Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 3 1 ¼ Front Squat 5 Strict Press 7 Ring Row or Ring Pull-up Strength: Back Squat 8 x 65/70/75% Workout of the Day 3min AMRAP 6 Thruster (95/65) 18 Double-unders Rest 2min 3min AMRAP 6 Power Clean (135/95) 6 Lateral Bar Burpee Rest 2min 3min AMRAP 8 Front...Read More