5 rounds not for time: 5 wall walk 5 pistol (each leg) 1 rope climb WOD: 800m run 60 sit-ups 20 OH plate lunges total 25/15 400m run 40 sit-ups 20 OH plate lunges total 25/15 200m run 20 sit-ups 20 OH plate lunges total 25/15 Read More
Skill: Core work- 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest for 2 rounds a) handstand hold, b) plank on hands, c) left hand plank, d) right hand plank, e) L-sit WOD: 20min AMRAP 15 KBS 53/35 15 Sit-up 15 Push-up 15 DU 200m runRead More
Skill: Split Jerk technique work Strength: 1a) Push press 3×3 1b) Horizontal ring row 3×5-8 reps WOD: 7min AMRAP Wall Ball with 5 deadlift EMOM 225/155 *start with wall ball, score is number of wall ballRead More