Warm-up: 200m Run then 90sec Squat Therapy then 2rds of: 8 Ring Row @2111 8 Jumping Squats Strength: Back Squat 3×3 @85-90% Then 1 set of 10 reps at 70% Workout of the Day 1min AMRAP Back Squat (95/65) Rest 1min 5min AMRAP Cindy Rest 1min 1min AMRAP Back Squat (95/65) Or 1min AMRAP Back...Read More
Mobility: Thoracic Spine Skill: Kipping or Butterfly Pull-ups Workout of the Day 2 person team 300/250m Row with partner: 1- Dead hang hold 2- Wall Sit 3- Heavy double KB hold 4- Handstand Hold 5- Active Squat HoldRead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 8 Back Rack BB Lunges 6 Strict Toes to Bar 8 Sumo KB Deadlift Strength: Deadlift 3×3 @ 85-90% Workout of the Day 1000m Row 80 Double-unders 60 Russian KBS (53/35) 40 Double-unders 20 Russian KBS Finish: 2-3 sets Suitcase Carry (70/53) x 30sec each Rest 10sec Max Effort...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 2 Wall Walk 8 Plank Punch 10 Deadbug Strength: Shoulder Press 3×3 @85-90% Then 1 set of 10 reps at 70% Workout of the Day 21-15-9 Front Squat Lateral Burpee Over the Barbell Finish: 3 sets 4 Turkish Get-ups (2R/2L) 30sec Side Plank each 25 Tricep Press DownsRead More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 5 Single Leg RDL (each) w/ KB 5 1 ¼ Front Squat w/ KB 5 Strict Pull-up Strength: Back Squat 3×4 @ 80-85% Workout of the Day “Helen” 3rds 400m Run 21 KBS 12 Pull-upRead More
Mobility: Hips Skill: 5min Turkish Get-up Review Midline/Stability: 4 sets 3 TGU each 60sec Sand Bag Carry- get a heavy sandbag, bear hug it, and walk back & forth in gym 10 Palloff Press each side 25-40ft Seal Walk Workout of the Day 2person team. Congo style. 4rds each 350/300m Row 25ft Handstand Walk or...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 6 Single Arm Kneeling DB Press (each) 6 Ring Row 10 Hollow Rock Strength: Strict Press 3×4 @ 80-85% Workout of the Day “Jackie” 1000m Row 50 Thruster 30 Pull-upsRead More