Warm-up Strength: 1a: Bulgarian Split Squat @3011 1b: Single Arm KB/DB Row @2011 Workout of the Day: 2 person team1 person working at a timeSplit reps evenly 60 Calorie Row60 Kettlebell Swings60 Dumbbell Box Step-ups60 Kettlebell Swings60 Calorie Row Rx 53/35 and 35/20Rx+ 70/53 and 50/35Read More
Warm-up Strength: Push Press 8×70, 6×75, 4×80, 2×83-85% Workout of the Day:As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:8 Deadlift6 Hang Squat Clean4 Shoulder to Overhead200m Run Rx 115/75Rx+ 135/95 Finish: 3 setsBarbell Bicep Curls x 8-10 repsBanded Tricep Press Downs x 25Strict Toes to Bar x 4 @2011Read More
Reminder to join us tonight at 5:30pm for the World Rowing Virtual Sprints Warm-up Strength: Back Squat 10×60% 8×70% 6×75% 4×80% Workout of the Day: 10 Hang Power Snatch 12 Toes to Bar 14 Wall Ball Rest 1min 10 Power Snatch 12 Toes to Bar 14 Wall Ball Rest 1min 10 Hang Power Clean 12...Read More
Mobility: Shoulders and Lats Midline/Stability: 3rds for quality 1) Reverse Sled Drag 2x gym length 2) Overhead Bamboo Hold x 45sec 3) 10 V-ups + 10 Tuck-ups + 20sec Hollow Hold Workout of the Day: 2rds 1000m Run or Row 40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 20 Parallette Pass Thrus (no dip/push-up, over and back is one...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Every 2min x 12min Mid-Thigh Hang Clean & Jerk Workout of the Day: Every Minute on the Minute x 16min 1) 10 Pull-up or Chest to Bar Pull-up + 20 Double-unders 2) 10 Dumbbell Deadlift + 10 Dumbbell Front Squat 3) Bike x 45sec 4) RestRead More
Warm-up Strength: Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunges @2011 3 sets 16 total reps Workout of the Day: 30 Parallette Facing Burpees 1000m Run 30 Parallette Facing BurpeesRead More
We are starting a new strength cycle this week: Monday’s- Push PressWednesday’s- Clean & JerksFriday’s- Back Squat Group Warm-up Strength: Push Press 10×60%, 8×70%, 6×75%, 4×80% Workout of the Day: 50 Calorie Row 40 Air Squat 30 Hang Power Clean 135/95 20 Shoulder to Overhead 10 Bar Muscle-up Rx+ Ring Muscle-up 155/105 Or 50 Calorie...Read More
Mobility: Hips and Quads Skill: Rowing Workout of the Day: 4rds 400m Run/Row 16 Ball Slams 16 Russian Twist with ball 16 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps with ball 16 Deck Squats with ballRead More