Barbell Warm-Up Oly: Every 2min for 16min Snatch 2@60, 2@70, 1@75/80/85/90/95/95+/95+% Build to today’s heavy single Strength: Every 2:30min Back Squat 5@65/70/75/80% Tabata: 1) Strict Pull-up 2) Bottom to Bottom SquatRead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3rds of: 10 Glute Bridge @ 1114 8 OH Plate Step-ups Strength: Every 3min for 15min Front Squat 5@70% 4@80% 2@85% 2@90% 1@100-101% WOD: 3rds (15min total) 60sec Row for Cal 15sec Rest 60sec Push-up or Ring Push-up or Strict HSPU 15sec Rest 60sec Ball Slam (25/15) 90sec RestRead More
Mobility: Athlete Choice 10min on the clock Skill: Athlete Choice 15min on the clock SKILL EMOM x 16 1) 6 Strict T2B or Candlestick or Hollow Rock 2) 8 Single Leg RDL or Hamstring Sliders 3) 3 Wall Walk or 30sec Nose to Wall HS Hold 4) 100-200m Run focusing on running technique (Pose method)...Read More
Warm-up: 200m run then 1rd of: 10 Push-up to Spiderman 10 Reverse Burpee 10 False Grip Ring Row SKILL EMOM x 12 1) 6-8 Strict Pull-ups (No bands. Work on negatives or isometric holds.) or 3-4 MU 2) 30-40 DU (No singles, practice DU attempts) 3) 3-4 TGU (each) WOD: 3rds 300m Run 15 Pull-up...Read More
200m run then Barbell Warm-up Oly: Every 2min x 16min Snatch Pull + Snatch from 2” below the knee + Snatch (Keep these light and efficient, focusing on proper positioning and technique.) Strength: Every 3min for 15min Back Squat 5@70%, 5@80%, 3@85%, 2@90% 1@100-101% Finish: 3 sets of: 25 Banded Hamstring Curls (blue band) 2x...Read More
Reminder: Tonight is the Ladies Only WOD & Wine Night. Arrive at 6pm. Partner workout begins at 6:30pm. No experience necessary. Drinks and food to follow at lululemon athletica on Park Ave. Warm-up: 200m run then 2rds of: 10 OH Plate Step-up 10 False Grip Ring Row 10 Hollow Rock Strength: Front Squat 4@70/80%, 2@90/95%...Read More
Mobility: Shoulders Skill: Pull-up Progressions EMOM x 10 Even- Single Arm KB Row x 5 each Odd- Strict T2B x 5 @ 3111 WOD: 5 sets of 750m Row Rest 1:1 Work on technique & efficiency. Time is not the priority today.Read More