Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Every 45 seconds x 12 sets x 1 Power Clean @80-85% Conditioning: These should be fast sprints, focusing on explosiveness and power. The power cleans should be touch and go and no heavier than 70%. Keep the same weight for all sets. If you feel confident in box jumps and can...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 8min Dumbbell Walking Lunges x 16-20 steps *Hold one dumbbell in front rack and the other in overhead position. Switch halfway. Conditioning: Every 4min x 20min (5 sets) 15/12 Calorie Row or Ski 25 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 200m RunRead More
Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 10min (5 sets): Back Squat 6×65, 4×70, 3×75, 2×80, 4-6×75% Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 5min 7 Front Squats 115/75 7 Lateral Burpees Over the Barbell 7 Toes to Bar 7 Push Press Rest 1min and repeat for a total of 2 sets. Pick up where...Read More
Warm-up: Strength: Strict Press 8-6-4-4-2 Conditioning: “The Chief” 5 cycles 3min work/1min rest 3 Power Clean (135/95) 6 Push-up 9 Squats Always start each cycle from the beginning- 3 power clean. Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks...Read More
Mobility: Shoulders Skill: Ring Muscle-ups Conditioning: Option 1- As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18min of: 400m Run/Row/Ski 30 Plate Hops 25 Hand Plank Plate Taps 20 Straight Leg Raises holding plate in press 15 Goblet Squats with plate 10 Lunges with plate 5 Wall Walks Option 2- 20min Stroke Rate RowRead More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Same timing and reps, but slightly heavier than last week. Keep the same weight for all reps. Every 45 seconds x 12 sets x 1 Power Clean @75-80% Conditioning: For total time, 2 person team 1 person working at a time 3 sets each 12/8 Row 10 Dumbbell Thrusters Rx 35/25...Read More
Nasal Breathing Warm-up: You will only be breathing through your nose for this entire warm-up. Why do we practice nasal breathing? In a nutshell, it improves our fitness. Normally, when we feel as though we need more oxygen, it’s really our body’s inability to deal with the buildup of carbon dioxide. Even though it doesn’t...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Tempo Back Squat @32X1 3×65, 2×70, 2×75, 1×80, 1×85% Followed by one set of 1 Tempo Back Squat @32X1 + 2 Back Squat (no tempo) @85% Conditioning: 3rds for total time including rest times 300m Run 15 Power Snatch 15 Pull-ups Rest 1min Rx 95/65 Rx+ 115/75 Chest to Bar Pull-upsRead More
Mobility: Lats + Traps Skill: Rope Climb Technique Review Conditioning: Every 90sec x 4 sets 1- Rope Climbs x 2-4 reps 2- Plank Burpee x 10 reps + Jumping Lunges x 10 reps 3- Plank Dumbbell Pull Through x 10 + Weighted Sit-ups with dumbbell x 10 4- Row, Bike, Ski x 60secRead More