Warm-up: 200m run, then 3rds of 5 hollow rock + 5 reverse burpee, 8 push-up Strength: Front squat 5×40%, 5×50%, 3x 60%, 3×80%, 3×85%, 3 or more x 90% WOD: Event 3 “Nasty Girls” 3rounds 50 air squats 7 MU 10 hang power cleans (Rx 135/95) RTG: Nasty Girls V2 (alternating pistols and 175/115)Read More
1) Skill: EMOM x 10min Even: 10 strict T2B Odd: 30 sec of attempting free standing handstand hold 2) Ladder agility drills 3) Review rowing technique 4) As a 3-person team, Row 3000m in 250m increments for total team time Read More
Warm-up: 200m run, then 3rds of 6 ring rows, 10 walking lunges, 10 hollow rock Strength: Back Squat 5×40%, 5×50%, 3x 60%, 3×80%, 3×85%, 3 or more x 90% WOD: Partial Event 4 15-9-6-3 Strict HSPU* Front squats (Rx 135/95) (RTG 195/125) Burpees *No kipping allowed. Find a scale that allows you full range of...Read More
Mobility: lax ball glute roll out Strength: Deadlift 5×40%, 5x 50%, 3x 60%, 5×75%, 5×80%, 5 or more x 85% WOD: 7rds 7 T2B 7 Power clean (135/95) (Rx+ 165/115) 7 Burpee 7 KBS (53/35) (Rx+ 70/53)Read More
SKILL DAY 1) Mobility- thoracic spine lax ball roll out 2) 5 rounds of 30seconds handstand hold, 30seconds rest 3) Skill Stations: For a total of 25min, spend 30 seconds working on each station and 30 seconds of rest/transition L-sit DU Rope climb Pistols MURead More
Warm-up: 200m run then 3 rounds of: 4-5 strict HSPU, 6-8 horizontal ring rows, 20 DU Strength: Push press 5×40%, 5x 50%, 3x 60%, 5×75%, 5×80%, 5 or more x 85% 5 rounds for total time 25 reps of Push jerk (135/95) Pull-up 100m run **must complete 25 total reps before going on 100m run....Read More