Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Thruster 10 Deadbug Strength: Back Squat 6×70% 6×75% 4×80% 4×85% Workout of the Day 4 rounds for time 4 Man Makers 8 Strict Pull-up 16 Wall Ball (20/14) Rx 25/15 Rx+ 50/35Read More
Mobility: Ankles Skill: Pistols Every minute on the Minute x 12min 1) Overhead Bamboo Hold x 30-45sec 2) Alternating Pistols or Cossack Squats x 10-12 reps 3) V-ups x 10-12 or Hollow Hold x 30-45sec Workout of the Day 2 person team 300/250m Row with partner holding: 1) Kettlebell Farmer’s Hold 2) Wall Sit 3)...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 30sec Handstand Hold 5 Strict Press 5 Overhead Squat Strength: Push Press 6×70% 6×75% 4×80% 4×85% Workout of the Day 4 sets for Max reps of Overhead Squats. As many rounds and reps as possible in 3min, Rest 2min. 300m Run + 18 Burpees + Max reps Overheads Squats...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Walking Lunge 5 Ring Row 10 Step-up Strength: 1a) Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunges @2011 x 20 reps 1b) Strict Pull-ups x 6-8 reps Maintain hollow body. Add weight if 8 unbroken reps are easy. Workout of the Day 1000m Row Then 3 rounds...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Every 2min x 12min Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk Workout of the Day 25 Power Clean 15 Pull-ups 25 Front Squat 15 Pull-up 25 Shoulder to Overhead 15 Pull-up 25 Hang Squat Clean 15min cap. Rx 95/65 Second version with C2B and 135/95Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 30sec Split Lunge Bottoms Up Kettlebell Hold 5 Goblet Squat 5 Strict T2B @2111 Strength: Back Squat 6×65%, 6×70%, 4×75%, 4×80% Workout of the Day 2 person team. 1 person working at a time completing a full round while partner rests. For total time 3rds each 15/12 Cal Row...Read More
Mobility: Shoulders and Lats Skill: Rope Climbs Workout of the Day Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds (30min) 1) 60sec Bike at 70+/60+ RPMs 2) Rope Climb x 2-3 reps 3) Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry 2x gym length 4) 60sec of Paralette Pass Thrus, L-sit, Plank Hold, Hollow Hold (mix it up)Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 30sec Plank on Rings 5 Behind the Neck Strict Press 5 Back Squat Strength: Push Press 6×65%, 6×70%, 4×75%, 4×80% Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute x 21 minutes 1) 25 Double-unders + 5 Deadlift 2) 15 Wall Ball 3) 8 Strict Chin-up or 2-3 Strict...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of: 10 Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Walking Lunge 6 Ring Row @2011 Strength: 1a) Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunges @2011 x 20 reps 1b) Strict Pull-ups x 6-8 reps Maintain hollow body. Add weight if 8 unbroken reps are easy. Workout of the Day 3 rounds for time 20 Alternating...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting Every 2min x 12min Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes. 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest for max reps 1) Power Clean and Jerk 135/95 2) Handstand Push-ups 3) Ball Slams (25/15) 4) Rest Your score is...Read More