Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Every 2min x 12min 3-Position Power Snatch High Hang, Mid-Thigh, Floor Barbell Cycling: Main Site Every Minute on the Minute x 5min complete:5 Power Clean and Jerk (touch and go) – Rest 1min– Increase load each Minute as you are able. Every Minute on the Minute x 5min complete:3 Power Clean and...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Every 3min x 9min (3 sets) of:20 Deadlifts @ 40-50% Perform these sets with touch and go reps, but DO NOT BOUNCE. Pretend your phone is under the plate. You can touch it, but do not let the full weight of the bar rest on the ground. You may use straps but keep...Read More
This is a long, high-volume workout. You are welcome to share it with a partner and do you-go-I-go rounds. Make it 14 each so you are even. The stimulus should be unbroken rounds with a moderately heavy barbell. So, pick a weight that isn’t super light, but is not so heavy that you have to...Read More
You’ve got a long Hero workout tomorrow. So, today’s focus is on strength. Dynamic Warm-up Strength Day: Find a partner of equal strength and start on opposite stations. Part 1: Every minute on the Minute x 10min 1- Strict Chin-ups x 6-8 reps Add weight if proficient. 2- Bent Over Lateral Raises x 10 reps...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Back Squat Take 8min to build to approximately 75% then, Every 90sec x 5 sets Back Squat x 1 rep @80-90% Conditioning: Against a 2min Clock for Max Reps Kettlebell Swings 20 Goblet Squats 15 Toes to Bar Max Reps Kettlebell Swings 53/35 Rest 2min and repeat for a total of 4 sets...Read More
Warm-up Strength: For the last 3 weeks we focused on deadstop deadlifts. Now we are moving into 3 weeks of higher volume, lower weight, touch and go reps. Perform these sets with touch and go reps , but DO NOT BOUNCE. Pretend your phone is under the plate. You can touch it, but do not...Read More
Mobility: Wrists and Forearms Skill: Handstand Walking Progressions Conditioning: Every Minute on the Minute x 16min 1- 10 Ball Slams + 30sec Wall Sit 2- 20 Russian Twists with Ball + 10 Leg Raises with Ball in Press 3- Run, Row, Ski, Bike x 60sec 4- RestRead More
Warm-up Conditioning: Last Done 5/8/23 Time Cap 28min “The Montgomery” 100 Double-unders 90 Flutter Kicks* 80 Air Squats 70 Sit-ups 60 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 50 Burpees 400m Run 30 Box Jump 24/20 20 Power Cleans 135/95 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups Courtesy of Jennifer Montgomery from 4/30/2012 *Large flutters to 90 degrees and heel goes...Read More