
Barbell Warm-up

Olympic Lifting:

Every 2min x 12min

3-Position Power Snatch

High Hang, Mid-Thigh, Floor

Barbell Cycling: Main Site

Every Minute on the Minute x 5min complete:
5 Power Clean and Jerk (touch and go)

– Rest 1min
– Increase load each Minute as you are able.

Every Minute on the Minute x 5min complete:
3 Power Clean and Jerk (touch and go)

– Rest 1min
– Increase load each Minute as you are able.

Every Minute on the Minute x 5min complete:
1 Power Clean and Jerk

– Increase load each minute as you are able.

Post heaviest loads for each EMOM.

Today’s effort is meant to challenge your barbell cycling with a heavier load. Increase the load across as many sets as possible, building to your heaviest sets of 5, 3, and 1. The sets of 5 and 3 are meant to be unbroken (touch and go). You will be limited in load based on your technical competence with the clean and jerk. Start light, dial in technique, and increase load as you develop quality movement patterns. Use the remaining time in each minute to rest and/or add load to the barbell.

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