Katie will be running the Boston Marathon today- a HUGE accomplishment and milestone. It’s a total of 26.2 miles, starting in Hopkinton and ending in downtown Boston on Boylston St.
The metcon today is a chipper with 26.2 reps of each movement, ending with KM’s fav, burpees.
Question: How do you do 26.2 reps?
Answer: What would Katie do? 26 or 27….? You pick.
200m Run then 3rds of:
30sec Handstand Hold
Single Arm Front Rack KB Walk
10 Deadbug
Shoulder Press
3×8 @70-75%
Workout of the Day
26.2 Wall Ball (20/14)
26.2 Russian KBS (53/35)
26.2 Pull-up
26.2 Walking Lunges
26.2 Sumo Deadlift High Pull w/ KB
26.2 Handstand Push-ups
26.2 Goblet Squats w/ KB
26.2 Med Ball Sit-up
26.2 Burpees