
Valentine’s Day was last weekend, but it’s not too late to enjoy a delicious treat that’s good for your heart (and your taste buds). It’s a super yummy breakfast sundae recipe that’s packed with heart-healthy and delicious ingredients. TIP: This also makes a great snack. Here’s a quick rundown of why this sundae’s ingredients are so good for your heart: Quinoa: Studies show that eating whole grains is associated with both lower cholesterol and blood pressure … AND a lower risk of heart disease. Berries: In addition to being filled with fiber, berries are rich in antioxidants that can protect you from the oxidative stress and inflammation that contribute to heart disease. Walnuts: First, walnuts have more omega 3 fatty acids than any other nuts. And second, studies show that they can help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. They also appear to be associated with a lower risk of heart...
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It’s already that time of year again! The CrossFit Games Open 2021 beings in less than a month on March 11th. This year, CrossFit has made some really cool changes to the whole format and timeline for the Games season. Without going into too much detail, the main difference for all of us is that the Open will only last for 3 weeks, rather than the usual 5. So, every Friday for 3 weeks, we will perform the workout at CFWP.  It will be the “Workout of the Day” for ALL classes whether you are officially signed up for the Open or not. In short, the Open is a worldwide, online competition is for ALL levels. It’s a fun, community building event that brings together people from all walks of life and various levels of fitness. There are multiple divisions and age groups Why sign up for The Open? There are literally thousands of reasons!...
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Now is the time to take a hold of your health and join us in your fitness journey with your own Whoop strap. The Cyber 5 Sale only goes from 12AM EST on Friday (11/27) through 12AM EST on Tuesday (12/1) Be sure to use our special CrossFit Winter Park discount code to access the sale! $30 off a 6 month membership (always available with code)25% off a 12 month membership (Cyber 5 Promo)25% off all accessories with the purchase of a new membership (Cyber 5 Promo)
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Is Today Your Day One? We have a little challenge for you that can change your day (and week!) for the better. This quote is one of our favorites… “One day, or Day one. You decide.” – Unknown With this topsy-turvy year, one of the many lessons has been that there’s uncertainty in life. If you’re waiting for SOMEDAY to start taking care of yourself – well, that day doesn’t exist. “There are seven days in the week. Someday isn’t one of them.” It’s time to start making yourself a priority RIGHT NOW. Especially when it comes to your health and wellness. You DESERVE it. This leads us to our mini-challenge for you. What is ONE step you can take today to help you feel healthier, fitter, stronger, and more energized? It can be as simple as … Going for a walkDoing some squatsMaking a green smoothie for breakfastTrying some...
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An Intro to Collagen Protein vs. Whey Protein We get this question often: “What’s the difference between collagen and whey?” And then it’s usually followed up with: I take whey protein, why do I need collagen too?If I take whey, should I stop and switch to collagen?If I take both will they, like, mess each other up? Whey protein has been commercialized since the 70s (it was actually discovered thousands of years ago. We all know of whey, and because you’re reading this you’re probably taking whey currently. Whey’s benefits are well documented in nearly every science journal and fitness/nutrition blog known to man. But, here comes Collagen, the new supplement on the block. Yes, it’s protein. But what kind of protein? Do we treat it the same as whey? Isn’t whey protein a do-it-all protein? Do we really need another supplement container sitting in our cabinet? Check out the...
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