200m Run then 3rds of:
8 High Box Step-ups
4 1 ΒΌ Front Squats
4 Strict Press
Every Minute on the Minute x 7min
5-7 Strict Handstand Push-ups or L-Seated Dumbbell Press
Workout of the Day:
As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 5min of:
400m Run Buy-in, then AMRAP
12 Front Squat 95/65
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Rest 5min
As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 5min of:
400m Run Buy-in, then AMRAP
9 Front Squat 115/75
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Rest 5min
As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 5min of:
400m Run Buy-in, then AMRAP
6 Front Squat 135/95
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)