


Every 2min x 10min

Front Squat 6×60%, 6×65%, 5×70%, 4×75%, 3×80%


Goal is to try and hit the first set hard and empty your tank, then recover as much as possible in 6min. Some drop-off will be expected in the second set, but your RPE should remain the same. A good goal is to keep the deadlifts unbroken as long as you can, recover a little bit on the box jumps with the step-down, then try to knock the shoulder to overhead out in 1 set even if that means resting an extra bit before picking the bar up. Splitting that up will just end up taking more time because once that bar drops you’re NOT going to want to pick it back up. 

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 6min of:

15 Deadlifts

12 Box Jump Overs 24/20 Step-down only

9 Shoulder to Overhead

Rest 6min and REPEAT for a total of 2 sets.

Start at the beginning in the 2nd set.

Rx 135/95