Three Wise Men Tribute- Veteran’s Day

Three Wise Men Tribute
The Three Wise Men Veterans Day Tribute launched a national movement to bring communities together on Veterans Day to honor those who survived their combat experience but have come home and are struggling. To honor these veterans, we asked individuals to participate in a tribute workout in their home gyms across the country on Wednesday, November 11th.

4min AMRAP
5 Hang Squat Snatch (Elite 185/125 Rx 135/95 Scaled 95/65)
10 Burpee Over the Bar

Rest 2min

4min AMRAP
10 Power Clean (Elite 185/125 Rx 135/95 Scaled 95/65)
20 Pull-up

Rest 2min

4min AMRAP
15 Box Jump Overs (Elite/Rx 24/20 Scaled 24/20 Step-overs allowed)
30 Wall Ball (Elite/Rx 20/14 Scaled 14/8)

2 sets
15-20 Reverse Snow Angels
15-20 Wrist Curls (45/35)

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