Holiday Hours: Classes- 5am, 6am, 9:30am, 12pm Open Gym- 7am-9:30am and 10:30am-12pm Closing at 1pm Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 10min Front Rack Reverse Lunges x 10-12 reps @2111 2sec down, 1sec full stop at bottom, 1sec up, 1 sec pause/breathe at top Conditioning: 1000m Run 100 Double-unders 50 Back Squats 95/65 100 Double-unders...Read More
After 10+ years of the same workout, I’ve switched up the movements for you. As always, pick weights and modifications that work for you and allow you to keep moving without long breaks. Have fun! The 12 Days of CFWP 2024+ 1 Devil’s Press 35/25 2 Dumbbell Front Squat 3 Dumbbell Push Press 4 Box...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 10min Deadlift x 5 reps Double overhand grip, no switch grip. Use the hook! Conditioning: *Find a partner of equal strength and share a barbell and a bike. Stimulus: *Since it’s only one round of DT at a time, you should be able to complete it unbroken to allow for...Read More
Mobility: Shoulders Skill: Bar Muscle-ups Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 16min of: 300m Run, Row, Ski, Assault Bike 15/12 Cals 10 Goblet Squats* with Kettlebell 80ft Farmer’s Carry each arm 10 Plank Burpees 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings *Hold upright with handles, bell does not touch the bodyRead More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Take 20min to build to a 1RM Power Clean + Jerk Suggested loading: 2-3×70, 2×75, 1×80, 1×85, 1×90, 1×95, 1×101+,1×101+% Conditioning: 750m Run 30 Toes to Bar or 40 Hanging Knee Raises 750m RunRead More
Nasal Breathing Warm-up: You will only be breathing through your nose for this entire warm-up. Why do we practice nasal breathing? In a nutshell, it improves our fitness. Normally, when we feel as though we need more oxygen, it’s really our body’s inability to deal with the buildup of carbon dioxide. Even though it doesn’t...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 10min Push Press x 5-4-3-3-3 Full Body Strength: Every 90sec x 18min (3 sets) of: 1- 10 Horizontal Ring Row + Banded Lat Pull Downs in remaining 60sec 2- Box Step-Ups with Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry x 16-20 reps 3- 10 Bent-Over Reverse Flies + 30sec Isometric Hold at top 4-...Read More
Warm-up Long Conditioning: Please control your barbells and do not drop with 10’s or 15’s from above the waist. Tighten your clips when they get loose. The weight is light, but the volume will add up. 25min Time Cap. For Total Time 21-15-9 Thrusters Power Cleans Rest 2min 15-12-9 Push Press Box Jump Overs...Read More
Mobility: Hips Skill: Pistol Progressions Conditioning: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18min of: 400m Run, Row, Ski 20 Russian Twists with Plate 10 Plate Ground to Overhead 20 Plate Hops 10 Plate Ground to Overhead 20 Hand Plank Plate TapsRead More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Last week before 1RM Every 2min x 16min Sets 1-4: 2 Power Cleans* + 1 Jerk @75-80% Sets 5-8: Power Clean + Jerk @85%+ *These do not have to be touch and go. You can take a second to reset and regrip at the floor. Conditioning: Goal is sub 12min. Time...Read More