Dynamic Warm-up Conditioning: 2 person team 1 person working at a time As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10min: 12/10 Calorie Row or 10/8 Assault Bike 10 Dumbbell Deadlifts -Rest 1min As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10min: 12/10 Calorie Row or 10/8 Assault Bike 6 Lateral Burpees Over the Erg...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Push Press Every 2min x 12min 4-3-3-2-2-2 Next week is 1RM Conditioning: Second option with lunges 400m Run 20 Alternating Pistols 15 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 400m Run 15 Shoulder to Overhead 20 Alternating Pistols 400m RunRead More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Next week is 1RM Every 2min x 12min Sets 1-2 Mid-Thigh Clean + Clean (unbroken, touch n go) Sets 3-4 Clean x 1.1 (rest 10sec between singles) Sets 5-6 Clean x 1 Finish: 2 sets Clean Pull x 2 at 10+lbs more than your last clean Strength and Power: Every Minute...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Every 2:30 x 3 sets 10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges immediately followed by 8 Front Squats (Same weight. If the squats feel light go for speed and explosiveness out of the bottom.) Conditioning: Stimulus- All movements unbroken(barbell and pulling). As you fatigue, you can go to quick singles on the power cleans. Manage...Read More
Mobility: Thoracic Openers Midline/Stability: Every Minute on the Minute x 12min 1- Copenhagen Side Plank R x 30-45sec 2- Kettlebell Suitcase-Waiters Carry x 30-45sec 3- Copenhagen Side Plank L x 30-45sec 4- Kettlebell Suitcase-Waiters Carry x 30-45sec Conditioning: Every Minute on the Minute x 16min 1- 8 Dumbbell Bench Press + Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry in...Read More
Dynamic Warm-up Long Conditioning: Wall Ball Sit-up. Ball must touch ground behind head and ground near the feet. Same sit-up standards apply- shoulders touch ground and shoulders pass the hip crease at flexion. 15 Wall Balls 20/14 to10ft 20 Wall Ball Sit-ups* 25 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 35 Wall Balls 1000m Run 35 Wall...Read More
Warm-up Strength: Every 2min x 12min Push Press 5-4-4-3-3-3 Conditioning: Against a 2min Clock for Max Reps Double-unders 15 Toes to Bar 12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35 Max Double-unders Rest 2min and repeat for a total of 4 sets Or Against a 2min Clock for Max Reps Double-unders or Attempts (No Singles) 15 Toes to...Read More
Barbell Warm-up Olympic Lifting: Every 2min x 12min Sets 1-2 High Hang Clean + Mid-Thigh Clean (unbroken) Sets 3-4 Clean x 1.1 (rest 10sec between singles) Sets 5-6 Clean x 1 Finish: 2 sets Clean Pull x 2 at 10+lbs more than your last clean Strength: Every Minute on the Minute x 12min 1- Dumbbell...Read More
Warm-up Strength: The sets of 2 reps should be about 10% heavier than the 4’s. Every 90sec x 9min (6 sets) Interval 1- 4 Back Squats Interval 2- 2 Back Squats Conditioning: Option 1- For time:21 Deadlifts (225/315)15 Hang Power Cleans (155/225)9 Squat Clean Thrusters (85/135) Option 2-For time:21 Deadlifts (125/175)15 Hang Power Cleans (95/135)9...Read More
Mobility: Shoulders & Lats Skill: Rope Climb Technique Review Conditioning: Every Minute on the Minute x 20min 1- Rope Climb x 1-3 reps 2- 10 Hand Plank Plate Taps + 5 Plate Ground to Overhead 3- Run, Bike, Ski, Row x 60sec 4- Rest or Active Rest in PlankRead More