200m Run then 3rds of:
½ Kneeling Single Arm Overhead Press @2111 x 8 each
Plank Punches x 10 + 30sec plank hold
Every 75sec x 5 sets Push Press x 4 reps
Workout of the Day:
As many reps possible in 3min of:
30 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk (15R/15L)
Then Max Effort Burpee to 6in Target
Rest 2min
As many rounds and reps and possible in 3min of:
30 Walking Lunges with one dumbbell in front rack and one dumbbell overhead
Then Max Effort Double-unders
Rest 2min
As many rounds and reps and possible in 3min of:
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
Then Max Effort Lateral Burpees Over the Dumbbell