
Banded Hip Distractions

EMOM x 9
1) 20sec R Plank + 20sec L Plank
2) L-sit Leg Lifts x 30sec
3) Wolf Raises x 8 each

Workout of the Day
2 person team
Partner completes a full round while other rests
250/200m Row + 15 Ball Slam
250/200m Row + 20 Russian Twist w ball
250/200m Row + 15 Ball Slam
250/200m Row + 20 Ball Slam Sit-up
250/200m Row + 15 Ball Slam

3 sets
Weighted Strict Wide Grip Pull-up x 6-8
Strict Ring Dip @2112 x 5
Single Leg RDL x 8 each

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