
Barbell Warm-up

Olympic Lifting:

After many weeks of position work, today we are building to a heavy snatch. Ideally, you will be doing a full squat snatch. But, I have a power snatch listed in case you don’t get below parallel on the lift therefore making it a power snatch, rather than a snatch.

Every 2min x 16min

3×65% 2×70% 2×75% 1×80% 1×85% 1×90% 1×95% 1×100+%


30 Squat Clean & Jerk*

*Athletes must perform 5 Burpees after every 5 reps of Clean & Jerk. Workout ends with 5 Burpees after the 30th rep.

Rx 115/75

Rx+ 155/105

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