

Strength: Deadlift Every 30sec for 12 sets 1 @75% of 1RM


Masters Fitness Collective Online Qualifier Workout 5

Buy-in: 30 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

then 10 Double Dumbbell Complexes (50/35) (60+ 35/25)

5 Deadlifts

4 Power Cleans

3 Front Squats

Cash-out: 30 box jump-overs

Time cap: 13 minutes

**For a complex to count, the athlete may not put the dumbbells down between movements. So, each 5-4-3 UNBROKEN set counts as one complex.


3 sets

60sec Hollow Hold

10 Ring Dips or Box Dips

20 Alternating Bicep Hammer Curls

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