
CrossFit Winter Park – CrossFit

2-person team
Split reps evenly
One person working at a time on reps
Each break in hang equals 5 additional burpees for the team. So one break is 55 burpees, two breaks is 60 burpees etc…

Metcon (Time)

4x200m relay with partner hanging from pull-up bar (must tag out to swap) *

50 Burpee

50 KBS (53/35)

50 Wall Ball (20/14)

50 Parallette Hops (over & back is 1)

50 Parallette Push-up (1 parallette, chest touches)

400m team run

50 Goblet Squat (53/35)

50 V-Ups

50 Ball Slam (25/15)

50 OH Ball Lunges (20/14) (2-count)

50 SDHP w/ KB (53/35)

600m team run

*any break in hang = 5 burpee add-on

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